Siva Imagine for Ashley

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You were lying on the bed with your husband of 3 years, your 2 year old son, Ben, between you.

"Mummy?" Ben asked.

"Yes, sweetheart." You replied.

"How did you and daddy meet?"

Siva laughed remembering the day.

"Well, I remember it well. It was a cold Saturday, and your mum was being a clutz!" Siva told Ben.

"Actually, I believe that was you, Seev!" You joked.

"Oh, alright then!" Siva winked at you, then explained what happened...


*Siva's POV*

I was walking down the street after finishing an interview with the boys, in the direction of Starbucks, wearing a disguise so I wouldn't get attacked by fangirls.

Don't get me wrong I love my fans, but sometimes I need alone time. I saw through my sunglasses that Starbucks wasn't too far from me, I kept walking at quite a fast pace.

However I wasn't really watching where I was going, and I accidentally bashed into a girl, knocking her over.

"Oh my gosh! I am SO sorry! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, taking her hands and helping her up.

Although I secretly hoped she didn't know who I was.

"I'm fine, honestly!" She said once she was back on her feet.

Luckily it seemed she had no idea who I was. "I'm Ashley, and you are...?" The girl, Ashley, offered my her hand to shake.

I shook it and told her my name. "Siva, interesting. I like your accent, you're not from here are you?" She asked.

"No, I am not." I replied.

"Ah. In that case, it is customary to give your phone number to the girls you knock over!" Ashley smiled and I laughed.

"Well, in that case I'd better give you my number!" I smiled and we traded numbers.

"I'll be waiting for your text. See you around, Irish." She said then left me alone smiling like an idiot in the blink of an eye.


*Your POV*

"Wow! You really were a clutz, daddy!" Ben giggled and so did you.

"I may have been but it was definitely the best mistake I've ever made." Siva smiled, hugged you tightly.



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~ Lizzie 😘

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