Nath Imagine for @zerrie_sykes101

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Positive. One word. The word that brought my entire world crushing down. I was pregnant... With Nathan's baby.

This may sound great but really it was a lot more confusing than it seems.

You see, Nathan was my ex-boyfriend.

We were together for 5 years, those were the best five years of life, and during the last year together we tried for a baby.

We didn't think it had worked but the test said otherwise.

Anyway, I broke up with him because I caught him cheating on me with my so-called 'best friend'.

That was four months ago, which leads us up to now.

My baby bump had grown and I still hadn't told Nathan.

My mum had convinced me to call him and tell him, or at least do something because I just sat around everyday doing nothing.

So today that was my plan, to call Nath and tell him the news.

I shakily picked up my iPhone and found Nathan's contact, still unedited under the title of 'Nathy 😘', and then I slowly pressed the call button and shyly brought the phone up to my ear.

'Its ringing...' I thought. 'Still ringing...'

After what felt like the hundredth ring, I heard the sweet melodic voice I had missed so much.


I was slightly shocked that he had actually picked up. 'Say something!' My mind told me.

"Hello Nathan." I said shyly waiting for the shouting to begin. But something else happened that amazed me.

"Amy?! That's really you? Oh my god, I'm so glad you called! I lost my phone and your number which is why I didn't. I missed you so much, I've hated myself since I lost you. It was the worst mistake I ever made! I would do anything to get you back. I'm so sorry for not calling or coming to find you or something, and I'm sure I hate me just as much as you do..."

The apologies went on and on, with me smiling the whole time because I now knew how much he had missed me.

"Nathan stop." I interrupted.

"What? Why? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" His concerned Gloucester accent once again filled my ears and I grinned with happiness.

"I'm fine Nathan, but I have something I need to tell you."

"Oh, okay. What is it?"

"Well, umm. You know how we tried for a baby...?" I asked suggestively.

"Yes. Where is this going?" Nathan's suspicious voice rang in my ears.

"Nathan, I'm pregnant!"

"What?! You are?! Oh my gosh, this is fantastic! I'm going to be a dad!!!" His celebrations made me giggle with happiness.

"Amy, I'm so so sorry for what I did and the guilt has been eating at me forever. Please please, could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?" I nearly gasped at this but instantly knew my answer.



Amy I'm so sorry it took so long, I had major writers block all week! 😳

But I hope you like it!

~ Lizzie 😘

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