Non-Personal #ThursJay Imagine

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"Y/N? Are you there?" You answered the phone to hear the crisp, deep voice of your best friend in the world.

"Yeah, I'm here Jay." You answered.

"Good. Umm... Listen I need to talk to you about something and I'm not sure how you're going to take it. Are you busy? Can I come over now?" Jays anxious voice replayed over and over in your mind, 'Need to talk to you, not sure how you're going to take it.'

"Hello? Anyone there?" The melodic voice on the other end of the phone cut off your thoughts.

"Oh! Uhh, sure you can come over now!" You finally answered after stuttering a bit. "Great! See you in a bit!"

"Yeah bye!"

"Buh-bye!" *click* Jay hung up.

Some people might have found this offensive, but with you Jay always hangs up, and you don't know why.

You decided to freshen up a bit before Jay gets here.

Normally you wouldn't do this, but you would cross oceans and continents for JayBird.

'Oh, JayBird!' You thought giggling creepily to yourself, you may have had a slight crush on your best friend... For the last two years... Leading up to now... But you knew he didn't feel anything and were frankly too afraid of rejection to do anything about it.

10 minutes later, the doorbell rang.

You ran to open it, standing outside was your too handsome BFF, JayBird.

"Hey," He said, more quietly than usual, something must really be bothering him.

"Hey, come in." You opened the door wider and he walked through, and almost shyly sat down in the living room.

"Y/N I really need to speak to you about something. It's very important and please don't laugh." Jay spoke in such a serious tone I found it hard not to laugh, I nodded instead, encouraging him to go on.

"Okay, and also please don't interrupt me." I nodded again. "Okay, umm..."

JayBird seemed to loose his trail of thought, throughout the 12 years I've known Jay I've never once seen him this nervous before, except maybe on the day of the band's first gig.

"Y/N," Just the way he said your name made your heart melt.

"I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say it. I am in love with you."

My mouth dropped open.

"And I know it's a long shot asking you this but,"

He took my hand in his, I was trying so hard not to scream with joy at this moment.

"But will you be my girlfriend? Please?"

There it is.

The whole entire truth, my best friend loves me and I love him back.

"Yes..." I barely whispered back in response. "I'll be your girlfriend." I spoke a bit louder, perhaps only a mumble.

"Y-you will?" Jay asked in disbelief. I nodded, once again loosing all ability to speak. "You will?! Yes!!" And there's the JayBird I know and love!

He jumped up and continued shouting in triumph, and to be honest, I was standing with him doing my happy dance!



Hi guys sorry I haven't been updating recently, I've just been really busy with homework and other shit... 😳

Please vote and remember you can always ask for an imagine even though it might take a while!!

~ Lizzie 😘

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