SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine 3

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Here is the special imagine I promised, I based this partly on events that actually happened and partly (sadly) some events that didn't happen. This is from ages ago by the way.


Today was just a regular Sunday for the boring people that weren't the TWFanmily, but for the TWFanmily this Sunday was very special as it could possibly be last show The Wanted ever did as a group.

No one wanted to believe this but it was true. A few weeks before the concert, Fusion Festival announced via Twitter that the group would perform as a four and not a five, as Nathan was too busy working on his solo album to come to the concert.

The Fanmily were originally mad at Nath, but then realised there was nothing they could do to help the situation, and went back to supporting him. Everyone, especially Tom, Max, Siva and Jay, we're going to miss Nath not being there.

But there was a little change of plans...

Everything was being set up at Fusion Fest and the performing celebrities where beginning to arrive. Siva and Nareesha (~Don't know if she came, but oh well!~) were the first TW celebs to arrive, and waited backstage patiently for everyone else to arrive.

Max arrived next and went backstage to find Siva and Nareesha waiting. "Seev! Mate!" Max called, they turned around instantly and went to greet Max.

"Hi Max, how've you been?" Seev asked, and the conversation took off from there.

Not too long later, Tom and Kelsey (~Again, don't know if she came!~) arrived and went backstage (after taking selfies with some lucky fans!) and soon found Max, Siva and Nareesha and the conversation got louder and happier!

Some after Tom came, Jay turned up and went backstage. He found everyone and joined in talking, now the chat was loud and eager.

They were going to put on the show of their lives and everyone was here now!

Or so they thought...

A little while later a backstage worker came remind them that they had 15 minutes until show time.

They were all still intrigued in the conversation, but then something Jay said made them all go silent. "I wish Nath was here."

Everyone began the agree with him saying thing like, "Yeah," "Me too." "I really miss him." "He should be here." "I miss him..."

But what they didn't expect was a reply.

"It's nice to know you guys think of me."

They all turned round to face the direction of the sound. And there he stood, against the door.


"Mate!" Jay was the first one to speak as everyone else was still in shock. "Wh- How are you here?!" He asked.

They all (even Kelsey and Nareesha!) ran up and engulfed him in a big group hug. "I was in town so I asked Fusion Fest if we could perform as a five and they said yes!" Nath replied, grinning that famous smile of his.

"5 minutes guys." The announcer came back into the room then quickly walked out again. Everyone started speaking over each other then, asking Nath as many question as possible.

"GUYS!!!" Nathan interrupted, still happy to know everyone really did miss him. "It's almost time lets go get ready!" The boys agreed with him then rushed off as they only had 3 minutes.

Kelsey and Nareesha laughed at their panicked expressions and sat down on the backstage's comfy sofas.

*3 MINUTES LATER* (~P.S: I don't know what happened because I didn't go.😢~)

"... And now please give a warm welcome to our next artists, THE WANTED!!!" The announcers voice rang out through the speakers and due to the loud screaming you could clearly tell there were a lot of Fanmily members in the audience.

The boys kicked off their set with All Time Low, Nathan wasn't on stage yet thought as they thought it would be good to surprise the audience.

*More than halfway through their set*

"Our next song is called I Found You." Tom announced and the music (and screams!) started up again. Jay started off, taking over Nath's solo and everyone else continued.

As the song came closer and closer to Nath's solo at the end of the song, the boys could hear in the air people asking each other who would take over his solo. When it reached his point in the song the music stopped, screams also stopped as the crowd was so confused by this outcome.

But then the base started up a beat again and from behind the scenes Nath began singing. "I said people! We're all looking for love tonight, and sometimes we can't see it, we're all blinded by the light..."

Nathan had walked out from the side into centre stage now and the screams were louder than ever! He finished off his solo then all the boys joined in, hugging each other quite a lot like they did during Nath's comeback at the Summer-Time Ball (~I did go to this though!😜~).

At this point everyone was recording it and the crowd was going wild! After I Found You and a bit of talking from the boys, they announced this was the last song they were going to be doing. "This is Glad You Came!!" Nathan yelled over the screaming crowd.

After performing the song they didn't want to leave, and Nath certainly didn't want to go back to his solo album.

However they sadly, and at the same time happily, went back to doing what they originally doing before Fusion Festival happened.

But they definitely put on a show to remember!


Please tell me if you liked that one!

Remember imagine requests are open now!

Proposal preferences next Friday!

Also the final chapter for Fallen is out today so please have a look at it if you can.

And I might be putting up a part 2 to Forbidden Love soon...!

~ Lizzie 😘

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