Nathan Imagine for Sarah

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You were trying to control your sobs as you sat down on the bus-stop bench. You had just walked out on your boyfriend cheating on you with your best friend. You dumped him right then and said you never wanted to see your so-called 'friend' ever again.

Now you were all alone.

As you sat down you tried not to cry but ended up doing so anyway.

What were your parents going to say? They had very high standards and expected you to be with him forever.

Maybe you shouldn't tell them. Or maybe you could say he broke up with you? No, they would find out the truth eventually.

"Are you okay love?" You heard a deep voice next to you and looked up. You saw a sympathetic boy looking down at you.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine." You tried to get convincing words out but it didn't seem to work.

"You're not fine if you're crying." He pointed out; you forgot about that. The boy sat down next to you and let you cry on his shoulder for a few minutes. "You don't have to tell me but, what happened? What made you so unhappy?" You hesitated before replying,

"I just saw my boyfriend cheat on me with my best friend." You sniffled and wiped away some tears.

"Really? That's terrible, I'm so sorry." The boy said sincerely.

Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.

You mother had text you to get home now; it was late and you hadn't realised the time.

"Thank you for your comfort but I have to go." You said politely, standing up and walking away through the - unnoticed - heavy rain.

"Wait!" You heard the person's voice behind you and turned around. "Wait, umm. Do you think we could hang out some time?" He asked shyly, your heart fluttered. You had just met this man but there was something about him that you liked.

"You mean like, on a date?" The man hesitated for a moment but then concluded,

"Yes. On a date."

"I'd love that." You replied, and typed each other's names and phone numbers into each other's phones.

"See you soon, Sarah." He said and turned around before you quietly replied.

"See you soon, Nathan."


I haven't done one of them in a while!

I'm taking a break (the dreaded phrase!) from writing everything for a while.

Keep reading though!

~ Lizzie 😘

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