Nathan Imagine for Hannah

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"Jaybird I'm so excited! Are we nearly there?" You asked him.

You were sitting in the passenger seat of your brother's Audi while he was driving.

"Nearly there Han, just a few more minutes and we'll be at the studio." Jay replied.

You could barely contain your excitement as today you were meeting the other boys for the first time!

A few minutes later, like what Jay said, you were at the studio and you began feeling nervous.

This was probably because you were going to be meeting your idols; you had never told Jay this but you were a massive fan of The Wanted, and you kinda had a crush on Nathan...!

But many times before you had told yourself; that he could get anyone he wanted to, so why would Nath go for you? But, like all other fangirls, you could dream.

"We're here!" Jay announced as the car pulled up at a modern-looking studio. It looked exactly like the kind of place you'd like to work at.

"Wow! Is this really where you work? It look amazing!" You complimented.

"Well, what can I say? The perks of being famous, I suppose! Come on, let's go in." Jay said excitedly and dragged you into the building.

(~ I've never seen the boys' studio so I'm just gonna make up what it looks like! ~)

The inside was gorgeous!

In the reception there was a crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, the walls were covered in black and white wallpaper and the laminated oak flooring gave the room a stunning finish.

While you were taking all of this in Jay was talking to the receptionist about something you hadn't noticed.

"Come on Han, this way to heaven!" Jay grabbed your hand, and before you knew it you were standing in the middle of what definitely was heaven!

The room had the same features as the reception, it was just darker and different band posters were framed around the room.

The only thing that made it better was that The Wanted were in it!!!

You had to try very hard not to start fangirling!

"Boys, this is my sister Hannah. Hannah this is Tom, Max and Seev. Nath's recording at the moment but he'll be out soon." Jay introduced everyone and before you could think straight you were having a deep conversation with your idols!

You didn't know how long you had been talking with them but after laughing at something Tom said you saw Nathan come in.

There he was.

Standing there without a care in the world.

Looking fine as always.

While Jay was introducing you to him you felt like your heart was melting and there were butterflies in your stomach.

As Jay went back to the boys Nath pulled you into a hug, where your heart stopped and you felt like you couldn't get it beating again.

However you felt like time stopped when Nath whispered in your ear,

"Jay told us you were beautiful, but he didn't say you were this beautiful."

You felt your cheeks go red at that and you couldn't get them back to normal.

That was the start of a beautiful relationship!


How did you like that one? I thought it was really bad. 😪

School tomorrow... 😓

Oh well, another imagine anyway! 😄

~ Lizzie 😘

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