Nath Imagine for Lucia

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You couldn't believe what you were hearing!

You were so overjoyed and thrilled!

You had entered a Capital radio competition to win a date with a member of The Wanted and YOU WON!!!!!

You were too happy for words to explain!

You texted Capital your address and they told you on Friday one of the boys would pick you up at 7 and take you out to dinner.

But they didn't tell you who was taking you.

You assumed it would be between Max, Jay and Nathan because Siva and Tom had girlfriends. But you had to wait a whole week to find out who it was.

When the day finally came you ran home from work to get ready.

Capital only told you that your date would be wearing a tux and taking you to a posh restaurant.

So you decided to wear a dress, and after an exhausting 25 minute search you chose a deep sea blue, knee-high dress and sparkly silver heels.

You put on some make-up and curled you hair.

It was 7 when you were ready, you waited by the door for your mystery date.

The clock said 7:05 when you were getting impatient. 'Maybe he stood me up...' You thought sadly.

At 7:10 you were sitting on the couch playing games on your phone, feeling lonely and bored.

7:15 soon ticked round and you sighed, he really had stood you up, you started heading upstairs to change when you heard the doorbell ring.

You raced back downstairs and opened the door to find one of your idols standing in front of you, you were speechless for a moment.

"Hi," You finally managed to say.

"Hi Lucia, I'm really sorry to keep you waiting but there is a perfectly good explanation." The man at the door replied. "Your date thought of ordering this..." He stepped out of the way and you gasped. Behind him was a sleek white limo.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, I love it!" You exclaimed, still in-awe of the car. "But are you my date?" You asked puzzled.

"No, of course not, I have a girlfriend. But your date is waiting for you where this limo will take you." The man at the door replied. "Also you look beautiful," He added.

"Thank you Tom!" You blushed.

"No problem Lucia, now come with me." Tom - the man at the door - said, leading you to the limo.

You got in, alone, and the driver took you to a beautiful-looking posh restaurant.

The driver opened the door and led you to the building's entrance. "Go inside, your date is waiting for you." He said, then walked off leaving you at the door.

You shyly opened it to find candles lighting a path to a table, were a man was sitting, but sadly because of the dim lighting you couldn't yet see who it was.

You followed the path, being careful not to knock anything over, to find your mystery date. You reached the end of the path and sat down opposite the man, who's face you could almost see now.

"Hello Lucia." The man said in an unmistakable deep Gloucester accent. You'd know that voice anywhere.

Nathan Sykes...


This one is really bad... 😳

Sorry I haven't updated in a while...

And I'm sorry to everyone who wanted to see my special #SykesSunday Imagine, but I said if my last imagine got 10 Votes I would put it up and it didn't so I didn't put it up.

But there's always this Sunday!

However (SPOILER ALERT!!) if you don't want to wait that long you can follow me on Instagram: @the_wanted_babe as I have uploaded it on there, under the name of 'SPECIAL Nathan Imagine', and it's quite recent so it should be pretty easy to find.

That was a very long caption!!

Oh well! See you around...

~ Lizzie 😘

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