Nathan Imagine for Nisha

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School. No one likes it, but everyone has to go, right? You absolutely hated school with a burning passion, you had much better things to do in that time. Thankfully this was your last year in school as you were a senior.

The bus journey to school was really boring until your best friends June and Kelly joined you. "Nisha! We're here!" Kelly yelled to you, she was super-confident while shy June just waved. You were kind of in the middle. You waved them over to your saved seats, and you all sat together talking and laughing about the holiday. However you were kind of in a daze, being a senior meant more boys attending your school, you hoped to find one that fit your personality perfectly, but sadly that only happens in fairy tales.

The sound of the bus arriving at school interrupted your imaginary love story. Kelly, June and you got off and walked into the old building, still chatting. You saw a group of boys laughing by the double door entrance and one of them caught your eye, from your glance you saw he had gorgeous green eyes. You were staring (probably drooling) and Green Eyes caught you and winked flirtatiously. You blushed and turned back to your friends, still thinking about Green Eyes, this was probably one of the times you were more shy than confident.

You walked, alone, to your first class.

Your first class was chemistry. 'Yay, science...' You thought sarcastically. But worse than that: June and Kelly had English together first, without you, which was just going to end badly. The teacher, Mr Brett walked in and registered everyone, (turns out that Green Eyes is in your class) and told everyone their lab partners for the year. After a few minutes he said your name. "Nisha with Nathan. Over there please." He pointed to an empty desk at the back of the room and you went to sit there. A boy followed you to the back, but it wasn't just any boy, it was Green Eyes - whose name you now knew as Nathan.

While Mr Brett continued assigning lab partners, Nathan whispered in your ear. "I know you, you're the pretty girl that was checking me out this morning." You blushed at the memory and that he called you pretty. "We definitely have chemistry, don't we?" He went on, making you blush harder. At this moment it was obvious he like you and you like him back. Mr Brett finally started the actual lesson and Nathan stopped whispering to you. You got a good look at him, he was really cute!

'Maybe this year won't be so bad..." You thought.


Hello! Hope you liked it!

Maybe one more will be uploaded later...!

~ Lizzie 😘

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