Nathan Imagine for Sammie

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The fans really liked you as you were Nathan's best friend and a really fun person in general.

Today Nath was taking you to meet the other boys, and honestly you were quite nervous.

"Don't worry, Sammie, they're going to love you!" Nath assured you, he was driving you to the studio.

"Really? Promise?" You asked.

"Yes I promise." He replied, his hand firmly on the steering wheel.

"Ok, great." You sighed, relaxing a bit.

You both arrived at the studio a few minutes later and were escorted inside.

The boys were sitting on sofas talking between them.

"Boys, this is Sammie." Nathan introduced you and they went silent.

"So this is the girl we've been hearing so much about!" A tall guy said, jumping up to hug me. "I'm Tom by the way." He added.

'Does Nathan really talk about me?' I thought, then I turned to face him and he was blushing furiously giving me the answer to my question.

"Nath, you have to go record now." A bald guy walked out of the recording room saying. "Who's this beautiful lady?" He asked, gesturing to me. I blushed crimson red.

"Max, this is Sammie." Nathan repeated to the bald guy who's name was supposedly Max. "Be good to her." Nathan walked backwards into the recording room, giving the boys evil eyes. When he was gone they all turned to me.

"Hello darlin', my names Siva and that's Jay." A polite tanned man shook my hand, then gestured to a brown curly-haired guy.

"Hi I'm Kelsey, Tom's girlfriend." A blonde girl came up to me, she smiled and I returned it.

"By the way I'm Nareesha, Siva's girlfriend." Another tanned beautiful girl came up to me and grinned almost evilly at Kelsey, who returned it with the same glint of evil in her eyes.

"What do you guys know?" Tom and Siva asked, reading my mind.

"Nothing..." Kelsey and Nareesha replied, giggling. "Only the fact that you like him!" Laughing they pointed at me.

"Who? What?" I asked confused but blushing.

"Sammie and Nathan sitting in a tree," The girls began chanting, and just my luck the boys joined in with the second part. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" Laughing they finished with me blushed a deep shade of crimson red.

"I do not!" I defended although I did really, I just didn't want anybody knowing and the fact that the girls figured it out when I hasn't even told them made me wonder if I made it that obvious.

"Of course you don't, that's why your blushing!" Jay taunted making me blush more, if that was even possible.

"Oh, so what if I do! He's never going to like me back." I argued truthfully. I sat down on a couch while the laughter died down.

"Now that's where you're wrong." Max told me.

"Yeah, all week Nath wouldn't shut up about how excited he was to see you again." Tom continued.

"And it's pretty obvious from the way he looks at you, it's like his eyes are saying 'I want you but I'm too afraid to have you'." Nareesha added.

"It's like one crazy secret love story!" Kelsey finished. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, could it be true that Nathan possibly liked me too? What if they're wrong? But what if -

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" My thoughts were interrupted by that beautiful Gloucester accent thy I fall in love with more every day.

"Umm, nothing now you're here!" Siva said, very subtly. (Note the sarcasm.)

"Ok then, Sammie should we get out of here?" Nathan looked at me, his eyes begging to say yes just to leave the sudden awkwardness. But before I could reply Kelsey butted in.

"Oh, I know. How about you two stay here and we'll leave?" Everyone but me started getting up. "Yeah, good plan Kels." Nareesha said, they were all almost at the door now. "Maybe now that you're alone you two can admit your love for each other!" Everyone quickly left slamming the door shut, I was blushing already, my heart racing fast.

I turned to Nathan who was almost as red as me.

"What did they mean by that?" Nathan asked me, there was no way to escape now so I just told him, straight and easy.

"Umm, I may, umm, love you more than just a friend..." My voice trailed off and I was stood staring at the floor, wishing for it to swallow me up there and then.

"Really? Because, I've been trying to tell you that I feel the same way." Nathan replied, walking closer to me.

He lifted my head up gently and put his lips on mine, it shocked me and took me a few seconds to kiss him back.

I couldn't believe that my best friend actually liked me back.

Nath broke the kiss and asked me six words I will never forget:

"Sammie will you be my girlfriend?"

"WHEEEYEEEY!!!" Cheers could be heard from the next room along from us. "Get some Baby Nath!"

I laughed and Nathan blushed. "Let's get out of here."

"Agreed!" He took my hand and led me out of the building...

As a couple. Officially.


You counted the words, didn't you?! 😂

Anyway... 😳

I hope you liked that imagine because I really enjoyed writing it!

Are you excited for the (possible) SPECIAL Nathan Imagine on Sunday?!

You should be, (not to gloat but) it's very good...!

~ Lizzie 😘

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