SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine 2

232 11 1

That's it!

You had just about had it with your so-called 'friends'.

They had invited you out with them and then stood you up! For the third time in a row!!!

You were walking home from the cafe they asked you to meet them at when you felt your phone vibrate.

Hoping it was your boyfriend you excitedly unlocked your phone and read the comment.

"You're such a slut Y/N! You don't even deserve Nathan he should be with a real woman like me!"

This was a text message from your (now ex) best friend, she was someone who had stood you up earlier.

"Why would you say that?" You replied, feeling hurt and betrayed.

"Because it's true, DUH. Your so stupid Y/N, it's no wonder Nathan's cheating on you." She replied.

You couldn't believe this, you texted back." That's not true, why would you think that?"

"Because it IS true. He keeps blowing you off and isn't the same as he use to be. Plus I have photographic evidence." Your ex-best friend replied with a link to a photo.

You cautiously opened it and was horrified with what you saw.

It was true! Nathan was cheating on you!!

The picture was of Nathan walking down the high street, laughing with a blonde girl.

You felt tears sting your eyes.

You ran into yours and Nathan's shared apartment, sobbing loudly as people stared at you.

You slammed shut the front door and slid down it, completely breaking down in tears.

You hadn't felt this depressed in years and you couldn't believe it was the people you loved who made you feel that way.

You felt your phone vibrate again. You unlocked it and read a message that made you sob even harder.

"Working late tonight Y/N, be back around 11 xx" Nathan texted you.

That pretty much concluded the evidence of him cheating on you.

Six years of dating, was that not enough? Or maybe he was just bored of you?

A minute later you found yourself in your ensuite bathroom, without even knowing it.

You looked at your blotchy, tear stained face in the mirror and knew what you had to do.

You reached into the back of your cabinet and pulled out a perfectly sharp razor for times like these.

You took one last look at yourself, and dragged the razor across your wrist. It stung for a bit but the pain was bearable, pleasurable even.

You pulled it across again, using as much force as you wished while thick, red blood dripped off your arm and onto the white tile floor.

You did it at least three more times but you lost count, your brain plunging deep into your negative thoughts.

Everybody hates me! My boyfriends cheating on me and my friends keep ditching me. Well they won't have to put up with me much longer once I -

"Y/N? Baby, are you home?" Nathan called into the house.

Shit!! I thought he was working late!

You frantically whizzed around the bathroom cleaning up blood stains while trying to get your arm to stop bleeding.
You knew he would start to smell your blood instantly because -

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