Non-Personal #MaxMonday Imagine

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It was your one year anniversary with your husband, Max.

The sun streamed through your cream coloured curtains, breaking you from the trance of sleep.

You turned over in your bed to find Max's side empty.

You turned back around, puzzled, but then you saw a note on your bedside table:

Morning love! Sorry I couldn't be there to see you in person but I had to get to the studio, and you looked too beautiful sleeping for me to wake you up. I'll be back at 5, see you then!

Sexiest man alive, Max. xx

You laughed as he signed it 'sexiest man alive', but wondered why he hadn't mentioned your anniversary.

Did he forget?

Didn't he care?

You pushed the negative thoughts to the back of your mind and focused on your usual morning routine.

You put on a yellow and pink sundress and small wedges.

You went about your day as normal and began walking home just before 5, you couldn't wait to see Max regardless of whether he remembered your anniversary or not.

You walked into your house to find it completely dark, apart from a few candles that led a path to the balcony on the second floor.

You grinned knowing exactly who made this.

You then followed the path of candles to find your handsome husband waiting for you in a tux on the balcony.

He grinned and walked to you when he saw you at the door.

"Hello love," Max said and put his hands on your waist. "Did you have a nice day?" He asked kissing your cheek gently.

"Yes, I did." You replied, then kissed he on the lips. "Did you really do all this for me?" You asked, still smiling.

"The boys helped, but yes." Max replied, smiling with you. "Shall we eat?" He asked.

"Most definitely." Max took your hand and brought you to the candle-lit dinner he had set up.

After your home-cooked meal Max pulled you over to the violinist he had hired, and put his hand on your waist and you put your hands around his neck.

You began slow dancing to the wonderful music.

It was truly a night to remember!


Hello Fanmily!!!

Yes, I know it's not #MaxMonday but I decided to upload this anyway.

It's pretty bad to be honest.

There will be another Imagine up tomorrow and if that one gets 10 Votes I will put up my SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine on Sunday.

Just pre-warning you!! 😏

~ Lizzie 😘

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