Max Imagine for Angela

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You were a secret spy currently on a top secret mission.
Your job was to sneak into a criminal's house and kill him. You hated doing this but it was a part of your job which you loved dearly, so you went along with it.
As soon as you entered the two-story house through the - unusually - open back door, you crept around the house, trying to figure out where the master bedroom would be and where you would find the criminal.
You were lost so deep in thought that you hardly noticed the hand covering your mouth until you figured out where the criminal would be.
Suddenly you noticed the hand but also something more than that.
There was a gun held against your head.
You instantly began panicking, thinking it was the criminal and you had been discovered.
"Shh, don't say anything." A somewhat harsh, deep voice said quietly from behind you. He moved his hand but kept the gun pressed firmly against your head.
"Who are you?" You whispered.
"I'm a secret spy, say anything to anyone and I will shoot you." The voice replied harshly again, you instantly sighed in relief and slowly turned around to face him.
"Me too," You whisper-replied as he quickly removed the gun from your head.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I thought you were with the criminal." He apologised sheepishly. Was he blushing? You could barely tell due to the low lighting.
"It's okay, we all make mistakes." You told him coolly. You had always been very forgiving.
"I'm Max, and you are?" He asked.
"Angela," You replied shaking hands.
"Well Angela, maybe I could take you out to dinner to apologise properly?" Max offered kind of... Shyly.
"I would like that." You decided and you both traded numbers.
And that was a lovely start to a lovely relationship.
I said I'd have another one up!
I really enjoyed writing this one, should I do more like it?
But more importantly, did you like it?
No more until tomorrow and a fanfic update on #SykesSunday!!!
~ Lizzie 😘

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