Nath Imagine for Lilly

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This one is really quite different from my other imagines.


"Come on Nathy!" You ran in front of your boyfriend Nathan who dawdling behind you.

"I can't help being nervous Lilly." Nathan said quietly.

Today you were basically dragging him to your house to meet your family, Nath was a nervous wreck. You didn't know why, your family had always loved the guys you dated.

"You've been putting this off for almost two years Nathan!" That was how long you guys had been dating for. "I think they deserve to meet you." You finished, determined to get Nath to your house.

"Fine, and I was only putting it off because I don't know what they will think of me." Nathan finally stopped dawdling and you walked to your front porch together, holding hands, something that made your heart melt.

Before you knew it you were both standing on your doorstep.

"I'M HOME!" You called into your house, pulling a shy Nathan behind you.

"Lilly?" Replied a voice you knew so well; your mum.

She walked downstairs and greeted you with a hug, then you stepped aside and introduced her to Nath. "Mum, this is Nathan. My boyfriend." You said proudly, but inside you were just as nervous as Nathan.

"Nathan it's so lovely to meet you." Mum pulled him in for a hug too and whispered something into his ear that you didn't hear, but it made him smile so that was a good thing.

"Who's this?" A sickly-sweet voice made you roll your eyes and turn around.

Of course it was her.

Behind you was your older sister, Mackenzie, you had always felt shadowed by her beauty: she had bleached blonde hair, bright crystal blue eyes, lightly tanned skin and a perfect skinny body. You felt that Mackenzie was literally the definition of perfect.

"This is Nathan." You finally answered, turning back round from her to Nathan.

"I'm Lilly's boyfriend, and you are?" Nath continued in his deep Gloucester accent that made you melt like ice cream on a hot summers day.

"I'm Lilly's sister. My name's Mackenzie but you can call me Mac." You nearly gasped, she never let anyone call her Mac, not even mum. She also pulled Nathan in for a hug, Nath only thought she was being friendly like mum, but you knew that she was trying to steal him away from you, just like she had done in the past.

"I have dinner in the oven, it should be ready in ten. Mackenzie, be nice and show Nathan around please." Your mum said, she clearly favoured Mackenzie over you. "Lilly, can you help me in here please?" You were about to argue when you saw the angry look on her face and you just nodded.

"Come on Nathan, I have something so funny to show you!" As you were walking into the kitchen you heard Mackenzie's pitchy voice and knew instantly what she was going to show Nathan.

Your baby photos.

You turned around and saw Nathan being half-dragged upstairs by your evil big sister...


"Goodbye Nathy!" Mackenzie screeched into the darkness where you and Nathan were walking back to your home.

"Come back soon my dear!" Your mum called with the same tone of voice that Mackenzie had used.

You cringed.

Then you heard the door close. You sighed with relief. You looked over to Nathan who looked like he was in a trance of some sort.

'Probably thinking about Mackenzie...' You thought sadly, she always had the boys.

"Nathan? Are you okay?" You asked nervously.

"Me? Oh, umm... Honestly? No, not at all." Nathan broke out of his trance for a minute to answer your question, then fell straight back into it.

You sighed and sat down on a nearby tree stump, you knew what was coming next. The same thing had happened with all your previous boyfriends, they had all left you for Mackenzie, and now Nathan was about to do the same.

You sighed sadly again.

You stood up in front of Nath who had somehow stopped walking and shaken himself out of the trance.

"Just make it quick..." You said quietly, looking down at your hands.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Nath asked, clearly confused. You saw tears splash onto hands.

"You can leave me for Mackenzie you know, just like everybody else..." You sighed, more tears landing on your hands.

Nathan put his finger under your chin and pulled your head up to face him. He wiped your tears away with his thumbs and spoke gently to you.

"I'm not going to leave you."

Your heart leapt.

"I love you, not Mackenzie. Remember that I'll always love you."


I think I should do an extended version of this as a SPECIAL Nathan Sykes Imagine.

What do you think? Comments are very much appreciated.

Also if you haven't already please have a look at my Nathan fanfiction 'Fallen'.

~ Lizzie 😘

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