Tom Imagine for Malina

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No! You couldn't believe it! A year and a half of commitment, is that not enough?! You couldn't believe your eyes. You had just walked in on your boyfriend making out with some random blonde girl, you felt like he had ripped out your heart and stomped.

You took a deep breath and went to break up with him.

When he saw you he stopped and started apologising. "Mal, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I thought she -"

"Save it. I thought you really cared about me, but I was wrong. We're over, Matt." You cut him off and managed to speak without breaking down, you ran out of your shared house and into the streets.

Tears filled your eyes and spilled down your face your vision was blurry but you didn't care, you just kept running.

Before you had gotten far a large figure collided with yours at fast speed, knocking you over on the pavement. You wiped away your tears and, being able to see now, looked up.

You saw a really... hot boy looking down at you, he only stayed silent for another second before apologising and helping you up.

You told him that it was okay, but he didn't seem convinced.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing out here crying?" You blushed at him calling you pretty and suddenly realised it was raining quite heavily. "So? Are you going to speak or what?" He smiled kindly, you instantly fell in love with that smile.

"Oh! Umm, I just saw my boyfriend cheating on me..." You replied, then realised how bad it sounded out loud.

"What?! You dumped him right?" The boy said louder, almost yelling. You nodded sadly. "Oh, I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around you, and it wasn't until he let go that you noticed how cold you were.

"I'm Malina by the way." Suddenly this boy intrigued you and you wanted to get to know him better.

"I'm Tom." He said, smiling again.

And although it wasn't the perfect greeting, it turned into a year long relationship, with many more years to come.



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Do you guys think I should write a book for Nathan Sykes Imagines only?

I'd like to do that but I want to see your opinion too! 😊

Vote and comment please!

~ Lizzie 😘

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