SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine

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I'm just warning you that this imagine is really long and took me two hours to write! Please don't be put off and enjoy!


I've never felt so miserable in all my life; my boyfriend of three years just dumped me for my (now ex) best friend.

All I wanted do was go home and cry into a tub of ice cream.

I was speed-walking home as fast as I could because I didn't want anyone to see me cry and I didn't know how long I could hold the tears in.

That was the first mistake I made that night.

I jogged along the paths a bit and smacked straight into someone, falling humiliatingly on my behind.

"Sorry..." I mumbled as the stranger offered a surprising pale hand to help me up, I gratefully took it.

That was the second mistake I made that night.

The strangers hand was surprisingly cold, even colder than mine, however I decided to let it go since it was a very windy autumn evening.

"Thank you." I said to man.

"No problem," The man replied nonchalantly in a deep melodic voice, the complete opposite of what I was expecting.

He had a hood covering his head and most of his facial features I couldn't see due to the dim lighting, I could just tell that he was very pale.

"I umm, have to go now." The man said suddenly after a minutes silence, then before I could reply he had ran off and became a blur in the distance.

'How could someone run that fast?' I thought, then pushed aside the thought and assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me.

I walked off again towards my home.

Soon I started overthinking again as usual and the feeling of wanting to cry came back. I continued walking, speeding up slightly, then I caught sight of the shortcut alleyway that led to the back of my house.

I stupidly decided to go through it instead of walking round the entire block to get to the front of my house.

I pulled out the torch app I had on my phone, took a deep breath and walked into the alleyway.

That was the third and by far the worst mistake I made that night. Which leads us up to now...


I was slammed against of the walls for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Where is the money? I know you have it!" The deep voice from the man who had shoved me into the wall rang through my ears, making me shake all over with fear.

This random man had been asking me this same question for at least 20 minutes, and every time when I answered the same thing; "I don't know what you're talking about." He would slam me into the wall and ask again.

By now my back was in agony and I couldn't feel my legs.

"I don't have any money!!" I changed my answer this time, then squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the wall to - once again - collide with my back... But nothing came.

I opened my eyes again to find the man releasing me slightly.

I inwardly sighed with relief.

"Well, my darling, since you won't open up the easy way, maybe you will open up the hard way!" The stranger held me tighter than ever while I kicked and tried to get away, then I saw a positively evil glint in his eye, he reached into his pocket and brought out...

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