Tom Imagine for Becca

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It was your 1 year wedding anniversary with your wonderful husband, Tom.

You woke up that morning to find that Tom wasn't next to you, you wondered where he went, but then you heard singing from downstairs which gave him away.

You walked down the creaky stairs and into the kitchen, where you found Tom making pancakes!

"Good morning Tom," You said wrapping your arms round him from behind.

"Morning babe. Happy anniversary!" He replied, pulling you to his front for a kiss. "Sit down at the table, the pancakes are almost done." Tom instructed and you did as he said, when you saw the table you gasped.

There were petals sprinkled over a clear white tablecloth, with a vase of flowers in the middle. You sat down and waited for Tom. In less than a few minutes he joined you, with two plates of pancakes with him.

"Enjoy!" He said, putting one of the plates in front of you and the other in front of him. You ate the pancakes quite fast; they were really good, although you were sure that was only because they were made by your husband!

"Did you like them?" Tom asked.

"Yes, they were brilliant!" You answered.

"I'm very glad; this was just the start of today, there's a lot more to come!" You sat there silently for a minute, wondering what Tom meant, but he interrupted you thoughts whispering in your ear:

"Happy Anniversary, Becca."



How are you all?

Good? I'm good now you're reading!

There might be a SPECIAL Nathan Imagine coming out on Sunday...

But I don't know yet.

I guess I'll have to see how well behaved you are...! 😉

~ Lizzie 😘

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