Nath Imagine for Sammie

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This one is pretty different to what I usually write so just give me a chance!


You were an amazing pop singer who sang sold-out concerts all around the world and released platinum albums and singles.

Yesterday you found out that next week you were recording a new single with one of the worlds biggest boybands, The Wanted.

You were really excited because you have never sung with a boyband before.

But the next few weeks with the boys was very different to what to you expected and it all started with the boy with brown hair and green eyes...

The next week you drove up to The Wanted's studio with your crew feeling nervous and excited.

When you arrived you were directed through the screaming fans into the studio, where a receptionist told you that the boys were in a meeting and would be out in ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, just like you were told, the five boys walked out of their meeting talking together happily when they noticed you.

You stood up from the comfy sofa you had been sitting on and greeted the boys. They each cheerily introduced themselves, from what they said you could tell that all had very different, quirky personalities.

But one of them caught your eye.

He told you his name was Nathan and you instantly noticed his stunning green eyes and his deep melodic voice. He then pulled you into a soft hug, much like Tom, Siva, Jay and Max did, but he seemed to be more careful and gentle with you, like he felt if he squeezed you too hard you would smash.

You absolutely loved that.

And that was just the beginning...

One week later you had finished writing the single (with the help of the boys, of course) and you just starting to recording it.

You had been trying to avoid Nathan because every time you were forced to talk to him he would speak perfectly in that gorgeous Gloucester accent while you would trip and stumble over your words, half-pronouncing everything and leaving yourself flustered and embarrassed.

However what made this worse was that every time you would mispronounce a word (which was basically every word) Nathan would smile and sometimes even laugh.

You made it much too obvious that you liked him as you could talk normally with everyone else.

Thankfully today you had managed to successfully avoid talking to Nathan!

It was nine in the evening and you were in The Wanted's studio alone trying to write a song and get beautiful Nathan off of your mind, when suddenly you heard a door close.

You instantly stood up from the piano you were sitting at and walked towards the direction of the sound.

You saw the silhouette of a person by the entrance of the room.

You froze only a few steps in front of the piano.

You began to feel a pit of worry starting to grow in your stomach.

The person turned around and looked you in the eye.

"Sammie? Is that you?"

The sweet voice that you could recognise from miles away spoke to you, you quietly breathed a sigh of relief as it was only Nathan.

Then it hit you.

It was Nathan.

And he asked you a question.

You were going to have to answer, you couldn't just stand here in silence... Or could you? No...? No, that idea was off the list.

You suddenly realised you still hadn't replied yet.

"Y-yes, it's m-me."

You silently cursed yourself for stuttering in front of him, again.

It was still quite dark but you could have sworn you could see a smug smile form on Nathan's face. "Awesome. What are you doing here so late? I'm writing a new song, in case you were wondering." Nathan asked another question, and made his way round to the piano.

"I-I'm also wro-writing a new sin-song t-too." You tried to reply, but stumbled over your words even more this time.

"Cool. Would you like to come over here?" Nathan asked you yet another question, patting the piano seat next to him.

Your cheeks flushed bright red and you felt so glad that the lights were dimmed, but you think you heard him chuckle slightly. "O-okay..." Your stuttering wasn't so bad this time but then again you only said one word.

You sat down next to Nathan, so close to him that you both were touching.

You felt your cheeks heat up even more when he turned to face you and looked into your eyes.

You had butterflies - although now more like tornados - in your stomach.

You started back into Nathan's soulful green eyes, you were enjoying this moment so much that you didn't even notice him leaning in to you.

Before you could even register what was going on, you felt lips on yours - Nathan's.

You could have sworn your heart melted and you felt fireworks going off inside your brain.

You kissed him back as you felt physically unable to do anything else.

You never wanted this moment to end.

But sadly it did when Nathan pulled away. "Does this make you my girlfriend?" He asked, almost cheekily and this time you were the one smiling.

"If that's what you want," You replied.

"Wow. You actually managed to speak to me without stuttering!" Nathan commented cheekily and you giggled.

But he made you shut up by putting his lips on your again.


See? I told you it was different!

I have a confession...


Sometime over the weekend I will write an epilogue for it. 😜

I would also like to add that personals are now CLOSED.

Only because it will give me extra time to write the FanFic.

It's a Nathan Sykes one if you were wondering (coz I kinda have a thing for him...😍).

Well, that's all and...

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @the_wanted_babe

~ Lizzie 😘

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