Nathan Imagine for Lizzie (Not Me!)

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You couldn't believe what you saw. You had been a TW Fanmily for a while now and recently you entered a competition to see their concert, and meet the boys. And you won!!! You were so overjoyed!

The day came and you and your best friend Kelsey (you were allowed a guest) drove to the O2 Arena which was where they were performing, and went to your front row seats. You and Kelsey talked for a bit, you hoped Nathan would pick you as his heart vacancy girl, and Kelsey hoped Tom would pick her. An hour later the lights dimmed and the concert started...

"Okay, for this next song we need 5 special girls up on stage!" Jay announced.

"This is Heart Vacancy!" Max yelled. Max, Jay, Siva and (to your dismay) Nathan chose their girls quickly, and Tom pulled Kelsey up on stage, she looked so shocked you thought she was going to cry! She didn't though, Kelsey's always been the more confident one out the two of you, she did some sexy dancing (which Tom enjoyed very much!😉) and towards the end of the song, gave Tom a kiss on the cheek and hopped off the stage! You were laughing the whole time at your crazy friend! When Kelsey found you again, she started screaming with you and having her fangirl moment a bit later than the other heart vacancy girls!

After the concert, you and Kelsey showed your backstage passes to security and were led to the place the boys were. They noticed they had guests, and Tom ran straight over to Kelsey and hugged her! "Aw!" You cooed, facing them, while the boys took photos of them.

You turned around to come face-to-face with the youngest member of the band, Nathan, you froze. "Hello," His deep Gloucester accent rang out and he pulled you into a hug. You managed to hug back and whisper hi, you were freaking out inside, but on the outside you were painfully shy. The rest of the boys engulfed you in a hug also and after that you talked for a bit, mostly Kelsey speaking and not you, you were just trying not to get lost in Nathan's beautiful green-blue eyes...

You were just getting use to being around your idols, when Nathan offered you a tour around the arena's backstage, of course you said yes!

You two left together, and for a bit the silence was very awkward, you wondered why Nath wasn't speaking to you since he loved his fans.

"You know," Nath broke the silence. "I only offered to get out alone together, because I think you're very... Beautiful." You blushed when he complimented you, this wasn't how you expected your meet and greet to go, but you were loving it!

"Listen, Lizzie," Nath started again, you were shocked and happy he knew your name. "I know we don't have long together, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out together... On a date?" 'Oh. My. Gosh.' You thought. 'Did the one-and-only Nathan Sykes ask me out on a date?!'

"Oh! Umm, erm..." You stuttered, realising you hadn't answered yet. "I would love to!" You exclaimed, finally able to get a sentence out without stuttering.

"Great!" Nathan's face turned into that famous smile of his! You two exchanged phone numbers and talked until it was time for you to leave.

During yours and Kelsey's squeals of happiness you told her about Nathan, and she told you that Tom and her had also swapped numbers and were going to arrange a date!

You two were so happy for the both of you!


Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I still hope you liked it!!!

~ Lizzie 😘

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