Nath Imagine for Amber

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It was your wedding day with Nathan. The day you became Mrs Sykes. A day you were going to remember for the rest of your life.

You were in your gorgeous white wedding dress and small silver heels that you and Kelsey and Nareesha had picked out, they were your best friends and you didn't know what to do without them.

You and your father walked down the isle, arm-in-arm, with your white laced veil down. You were smiling on the outside however on the inside you were a nervous wreck, but when you looked into your future husbands eyes, all your nerves seemed to vanish and were replaced with excitement and thrill.

You dad kissed your hand and said to Nathan, "Take good care of her," then took a seat next to your mum, who was already crying with happiness. "You look beautiful." Nathan whispered to you, you felt your cheeks heat up and you smiled through your veil.

A short while of vows and I Do's later, the victor announced, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." You both smiled and Nathan gently lifted up your veil. Then he kissed you. It was sweet and passionate, you were now married to the man of your dreams!


You smiled remembering the best of your life that happened exactly two years ago.

It was your and Nath's two year wedding anniversary, and you couldn't be happier! "Good morning beautiful." That deep Gloucester accent made you look up. "What are you smiling about?" Nathan asked, smiling with you.

He walked over to the double bed where you were lying down and laid next to you, putting his right hand gently on the bump on your stomach. Oh, did I forget to mention? You were eight months pregnant, which just about made you the happiest person alive.

"Our wedding day," You answered, still smiling and slightly dazed. Nathan grinned remembering what you two did after the ceremony, you looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Not that part!" You grinned too, remembering your amazing first night as Mrs Sykes. Nathan kissed you and began speaking.

"Happy anniversary, love."



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Don't ask why I put a puppy I just felt like it! 😉

~ Lizzie 😘

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