JayBird Imagine for Jessica

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"Honey I'm home!"

Your husband of twelve years walked through the front door greeting you the old-fashioned way.

You put your arms around Jay's neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

After a moment you pulled away smiling.

"Guess what?" You asked him.

"Umm... You're pregnant?!" Jay guessed, smiling with you.

"Nope, guess again!"

"Erm... You're leaving me for someone hotter?!"

"Hmmmm," You pretended to decide whether his guess was correct, Jay obviously didn't understand sarcasm and his smile fell.

"Nope, I don't think so!"

His smile returned.

"Tell me then!" Jay cheekily demanded.

"Lucy's bringing her boyfriend home to meet us! Isn't it exciting?!" You told him, Lucy was your 14 year old daughter and she had a boyfriend who was 2 years older than her

"What?? No it's not exciting! She's 14 and he's 16, she's not old enough to have a boyfriend yet!" Jay, being the overprotective father he is, didn't like the sound of this.

"Jay, can you please give him a chance? You might like him, he sounds like a lovely boy." You tried to reason with Jay who eventually gave up arguing with you and decided to give the boy a chance, which you were very thankful for.

*Lucy's POV*

"Come on Brandon! Stop dawdling!" I pulled my sulking boyfriend up the steps on the porch. "They will love you, trust me!" I kissed Brandon on the cheek and he stood on the porch next to me.

"But what if they don't Lucy?! I don't want to lose you." He looked me in the eye and said seriously. I inwardly awwed at the gesture.

"Don't worry, even if they don't like you I won't let that change my feelings for you." I was really trying hard to stay confident, but on the inside I had already broken down in tears.

"Come on let's go in!" I held one of Brandon's hands in mine and with the other I opened the already unlocked door.

"I'm home!" I called.

I shut the door behind me and walked into the kitchen where I knew mum and dad would be, but not before Brandon and I took off our shoes; I know mum is picky about that type of thing.

"Hey Luc, have a good day?" Mum asked, pulling me in for a hug.

"Yes mum. Umm, this is Brandon... My boyfriend." I kind of mumbled the last two words as I was really shy about having a boyfriend who was 2 years older than me.

"Hi Brandon, it's lovely to meet you! I'm Jessica and this is my husband Jay." Mum replied smiling, she also gave Bren a hug which he gladly accepted. I could tell by the look on his face that he was relieved to know that at least one of my parents liked him.

Dad stood behind mum, looking at Bren almost in disgust, but I couldn't understand why.

I mean, Brendan had no tattoos or piercings, he just had gorgeous blonde hair, bright hazel eyes, he was 3 inches taller than me and quite muscular from being in the same dance class as me, it was through dance that we had actually met.

"Brendan, what I would like to know is..." And that is how the terribly awkward night began.

I will spare you of the details but let's just say that most of the talking down last night was dad interrogating Brandon, he was asking him about anything and everything all through dinner and right up until he had to leave.

I don't think dad likes Brandon very much... 😓


I'm back bitches!!


No? Ok then... *awkward silence*

So, how did you like the imagine?

On Sunday I WILL be uploading my SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine!!! 🎉😄🎊


(SPOILER ALERT!) It's about Fusion Festival!!!

And... THE WANTED!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊😄😄☺️😜😍😍

Only two days to wait!

~ Lizzie 😘

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