Pref 3) Christmas!!!

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"Mummy, mummy! Wake up! Father Christmas has been!!" You slowly opened your eyes to find your four year old daughter jumping on you excitedly.

You chuckled and turned on the lamp next to you. "No, it's too bright." You heard your husband groan and hide his face under the bed covers.

"Come on daddy, let's open PRESENTS!!!!" Your daughter screamed and ran downstairs. You got up and followed her, Tom walking half-asleep behind you.

"Wow!! There's so much!" Your daughter gasped at all the presents under the tree.

"Well don't just stand there, go and open one!" Tom encouraged as she squealed and dashed over to them.

"Merry Christmas Tom." You said as he placed his lips on yours.

"Merry Christmas to you too,"


"Wake up darlin' it's Christmas," You woke up at Siva's soft whispers in your ear.

You opened your eyes to see his face lingering above yours. "Merry Christmas." He said happily. You kissed him.

"Merry Christmas Seev." You smiled. Siva turned round and flicked on the light.

"Here, open this. I'm sure you'll love it!" He said and gave you a small, well-wrapped box. You wondered what was inside. "Open it! Open it!" Seev grinned excitedly.

"Okay..." You ripped off the wrapping paper and pulled off the lid. You gasped. "Oh Siva..."

Inside was a beautiful silver charm bracelet, with 'Siva's Girl' engraved on a heart. You were speechless.

"This is so... Stunning. Thank you so much!" You said gratefully.

"Your welcome darlin'." Siva replied before kissing you softly.


"Okay, now it's my turn!" Max said before disappearing downstairs.

You had just given him his gift and now your boyfriend's giving you yours. He was downstairs for a few minutes and you drank coffee while he did whatever he was doing down there.

"I'm baaaaack." Max announced walking cheerfully back into your bedroom. Suddenly he put his hands over your eyes. "What's downstairs is a surprise so I'm going to cover your eyes and lead you down." Max said as you stood up.

"Don't let me fall!" You warned smiling.

"I would never do that." So after ten minutes of laughter Max managed to get you both downstairs without a serious injury. "Just keep your eyes closed for one more second." Max said, stepping away from you. "Okay, open them!"

You opened your eyes and gasped.

Max was down on one knee with a ring and behind him was a poster saying, "Will you marry me?"

A huge smile spread across your face and you could barely whisper yes.


"Merry Christmas JayBird." You announced giving him his present.

He ripped it open excitedly and fake-gasped at what was inside. "You got me a box!! Omg, it's just what I wanted!" You laughed at Jay's sarcasm.

"Your present is in inside the box!" You said through giggles.

Smiling he took the lid off the box and his smile faded. Your heart dropped.

"Oh. My. God." Jay said. Then he screamed. "THIS IS AMAZING!!! Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuu!!!!" He lifted the tiny baby lizard out of the box and couldn't keep the smile off his face. "It's, its, OH MY GODDDDD!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!" He jumped around the house shouting in joy.

You sat there basking in the glory of such a successful Christmas present.

I think you know what to get him next year!!


You were woken up by the sound of footsteps in your bedroom.

"Be quiet, we can't wake up mum." You heard the whispering voice of your husband talking to your giggling children. You decided to have a bit of fun with this.

"And why can't we wake mum up?!" You asked giggling. You turned on the bedside light and looked at your sheepish family.

"Ah, caught. I told you guys you were too loud." Nathan said in fake-defeat.

"Does this mean we can't open our presents?" Your six year old son asked pouting.

"No presents is no happy!" Your three year old daughter added.

"I'm sure we can still open our presents, right?" Nathan asked grinning at you.

"I'm sure you can." You agreed and instantly your children were running down the stairs. You yawned. "Merry Christmas Nath." You said as he walked over to you.

"Merry Christmas love," He replied before putting his lips on your own.


Merry Christmas everyone!!! 🎄

In the wonderful spirit of Christmas I decided to make bunch of Christmas preferences.

So I won't be putting any up tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed these and got great presents that you love! 🎁

Final Fallen chapter on Sunday!

~ Lizzie 🎅

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