SPECIAL Nathan Imagine ~ Preview

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Happy #SykesSunday!

I decided to write another SPECIAL Imagine but I'm going to write it in a new book called 'Forbidden Love'.

I should be uploading it on Wednesday.

And here's the preview for it...

The man finally stopped kissing me for only a second, but a second was long enough for me to bring my hand up to his cheek, and slap it as hard as I could.

This shocked the man for a moment and he smiled slightly, but then he went angry again.

I stepped forward slightly before he says threateningly,

"You shouldn't have done that."

He then shocked me by slapping me back. I fell on the floor from the power; vampires are super-strong.

He grabbed my shirt collar single-handedly and picked me up, shoving me against the wall in the process.

"I was gonna use you but I guess I'll just kill you instead."

He says, his eyes red and his fangs showing clearly now that my eyes have adjusted to the dark.

"N-no, please." I beg, instantly regretting hitting him. The man laughs.

"Too late princess." He grins and is about to stick his fangs into me when...

That's it!

To read the rest of it, have a look at Forbidden Love on my profile page on Wednesday.

~ Lizzie 😘

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