Nathan Imagine for Christine

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"Nathan that meal was really good!" You said enthusiastically to your date.

You had been trying all evening to stay enthusiastic, Nathan hadn't been very talkative this evening and you didn't know why.

"Yeah it was great..." Nath mumbled, staring at the road ahead, he didn't really seem interested in anything you had to say.

"Are you okay Nath?" You asked, concerned.

"What? Oh, umm, yeah I'm fine." He replied.

'Okay, so he's definitely not listening to me...' You thought sadly.

"Christine, let's go on that beach!" Nathan suggested, a bit more excited than before, you weren't going to say no to the one thing he had spoken about that evening!

Before you knew it you were walking barefooted across the beach, holding your silver wedges in one hand and Nath's hand in the other.

With the splashing of the waves and the moon reflected in the sea, this was the perfect evening... Almost.

"Chrissy," Nath's perfect deep voice distracted your thinking. "I'm really sorry about the way I've been acting this evening. I didn't mean to keep ignoring you, but I was too nervous."

'Nervous? About what?' Your mind thought, you nodded encouraging him to go on.

"And, umm, the reason I'm so nervous is because I wanted to ask you something."

'I think I know what's going to happen next...!' You thought excitedly.

"And I was wondering if you... Umm, well... Chrissy," Nath stopped walking and pulled you in front of him. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

A smile broke out on your face.

"Yes, definitely!" You replied, and then Nathan was the one smiling, his nervousness seemed to disappear almost instantly!

The memory of that day stayed with you forever!


Sup WattPad Readers!

You guys are lucky because I released this Imagine on here first instead of Instagram! 🎉🎊

Anyway, 10 Votes on this and I will upload my SPECIAL #SykesSunday Imagine tomorrow!!!

So get voting! 😄

~ Lizzie 😘

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