Siva Imagine for Ashley (Again!!)

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"I can't believe it! I thought he loved me!" You had just seen a video of your boyfriend, Siva, making with a random blonde girl. You never though your wonderful boyfriend would be one to cheat! But apparently you were wrong.

Now you were sitting on your bed crying, wondering how he could do this to you, but then realised that he had been leaving early and coming back later than usual, this was probably why.

You didn't know what to do about him, so you decided to call Kelsey for some advice.

Siva was at work with the boys and wouldn't be back for ages.

There was a knock on the door and reluctantly you went to answer it. Thankfully it was Kelsey and she gasped when she saw you. "Oh God, Ashley. Did he really do this to you?!" You had make-up blotched all over your face and mascara-tears running down it, you nodded letting her inside. As quick as anything she cleaned up your face, but you were still crying.

You sat down on the sofa together and you sobbed, you didn't even want to cry, it just kind of came out.

A few minutes of crying later Kelsey started speaking. "Ok, Ashley. What I would do in your situation is first ask him why he cheated, because I honestly have no idea. Then you should break up with him."

You gasped, you couldn't just do that to Siva! Or could you...?

Kelsey then carried on. "But, of course, you don't have to dump him if there is a valid reason of why he cheated on you. However I don't think there is a good enough reason to explain why you would cheat on someone as fantastic as you, Ashley." She hugged you, then decided to leave you on your own for a bit, which you were secretly very thankful for.

You went to your room to watch the video again on YouTube, where you were shocked to see it had over 1million views!

A few hours of sobbing sad tears later, Siva came home from the studio, you ran downstairs to see him.

However the sight of your amazing boyfriend that you fall in love with more everyday just changed your misery to anger.

"Hey babe!" Siva smiled cheerfully, snapping you out of your daze.

"What do you what?!" You snapped back, maybe just a bit too angrily.

"Umm, nothing. Why are you so angry?" Siva's smile faded, he was clearly surprised by your outburst.

"You. You are why I am so angry!" You seethed, feeling even angrier than earlier for an unknown reason.

"Why? What did I do?"

"You of all people should know! But if not, I guess I'll have to remind you." You walked upstairs with Siva following, you opened your laptop and showed him the video.

He, surprisingly, was speechless. "That's why I'm mad at you." You broke the silence, but you were much less angry now and sad instead.

"Babe, I'm so sorry."

Siva faced you looking guilty and you found it hard to be mad at him any longer.

"I was SO drunk and she kissed me and I know that's not an excuse but you have to believe me when I tell you that I would never ever cheat on you, darlin' you are amazing and beautiful and I love you with all my heart. I'm so sorry and if you find it in your heart to forgive me that would be fantastic but, honestly, I understand if you don't."

Siva apologised quite fast and it took you a minute to digest it all, but he looked at you him with those sad brown eyes and you knew you couldn't stay mad at him anymore.

"It's okay. I forgive you, Seev." You said slowly, he looked into your eyes and kissed you. It was gentle and sweet, his own way of saying he'll never leave me. "But you can't EVER do it again, drunk or not." You warned and Seev nodded eagerly.

"I promise, darlin'. I will never EVER do so something like this to you again." He looked into your eyes again, his beautiful orbs making you weak in the knees, and kissed you. It was more aggressive now, passionate, but aggressive.

And he made you love him more.



So did you like that? It's quite different to some of my other imagines because of the fight.

Was the fight okay or should I go back to what I was doing before?


10 Votes on this and I will put up my special imagine...! 😎

~ Lizzie 😘

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