SPECIAL Nathan Imagine

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You had seen some news about an old boyband, The Wanted, that use to be together 20 years ago, but split up the year you were born.

Apparently one of the members had fallen into a coma.

From the photo on your glass tablet, whoever it was looked pretty hot... Well, for a 41 year old!

So you decided to look them up on your mum's dusty old computer.

You skimmed through the information and found out that the person who was in a coma was called Nathan.

Just as you were about to type in how he fell into a coma, you felt a shock run through your wrist and around your body.

Everything went black...

A loud crash woke you up with a start.

You quickly took in your surroundings; the computer was less dusty, the walls were cleaner, the carpet didn't have burns from fires on it and you could see the blue sky out of the windows.

This wasn't your house, it had the same shape but was a lot nicer.

You stood up and walked around, the rest of the house was more or less in the same state as the first room; perfect.

However you noticed instead of having your sisters room in purple, it was white. And your room was white too.

What had happened?

You were so lost in thought and confusion that you didn't notice a person opening the front door and walking in.

You finally snapped out of your thoughts when a sweet melody came from a piano downstairs and a deep voice started singing a tune you didn't recognise.

You instantly knew this was a man singing and started to freak out; you had somehow fainted and woken up a random man's house!!!

You panicked and didn't know whether to go downstairs and awkwardly introduce yourself, or to leave and try and find out where you were.

But maybe the man could tell you where you were.

You decided to go with that option and slowly made your way downstairs.

The man was in the kitchen and had his back to you, looking for something.

What do I do now?! Say hi or wait for him to notice me?!

You started panicking again, wishing you weren't the most shy, awkward person on Earth.

Without warning, the man turned around and jumped seeing you.

Then it hit you.

You know this person! It was the same man from the news, Nathan.

"Umm, hi." You said awkwardly, mentally facepalming.

"Hi," Nathan replied unsteadily. "How-why are you here?" He asked and you sighed.

"Umm, that's the thing. I don't exactly know."

"Really? So you just, I don't know, walked in or something?" Nathan asked and you couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Not exactly. It's more like I fainted back in my home and woke up here." You said lightly and Nathan contemplated this for a moment.

"So that's really what happened?" He asked unsurely.

"Yes, I don't know how or why either." You answered. Nathan nodded. "I'm Y/N, by the way."

"I'm Nathan." Of course you knew this already, but you didn't want to tell him in case you freaked him out even more.

"So, how exactly did you faint?" He asked and you led him to the computer.

"I touched a button on here and I think it electrocuted me." You said.

"You had this computer in your house?" Nathan asked.

"Well, I must have otherwise I wouldn't have ended up here." You replied and then you remembered something you had found out about Nathan. "Wait, how old are you?" You asked.

"21, why?" He replied, this shocked you.

"Are you sure? Because I'm sure your 41." He furrowed his eyebrows at this and laughed.

"No I'm pretty sure I'm 21." And then he stopped laughing. "Why did you think I was in my forties?"

Because I looked it up on here-" You gestured to the computer. "-and it said you were 41 and had fallen into a coma!" Nathan went silent for a minute and then asked how old you were. "20, 21 in three months." You replied.

"What year were you born in?" Nathan asked.

What is this, 20 questions? You thought but answered all the same. "2015 of course."

"That's this year." Nathan replied and that's when it clicked in both of your minds.

"I've gone 20 years into the past!" You exclaimed. "Oh no! I have a life and family in the pres- future! How am I going to get back to them?"

You started freaking out and not thinking straight. "Oh no! I'm going to be stuck here forever! This is terrible!"

"I don't think it's terrible." Nathan said and you stopped pacing and stared up at him. "Maybe it would be a good thing..." You blinked and your thoughts became jumbled.

He signed. "Y/N, I'm not very good at these things but, if you aren't going back to the future, would you like to go out with me?"

You couldn't breathe. An actual celebrity had just asked you out.

But I have a life in the future! You argued. ... No I really don't...

"You don't have to! If you don't-"

"Yes. Yes I will go out with you." You decided and Nathan sighed in relief.

"I'm so glad." He said and pulled you in for a hug.

And so you and Nathan went on that date and many more.

After nine years he proposed to you and a year later you got married.

And ten years later you even prevented him from falling into the coma!




~ Lizzie 😘

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