𝗥𝘂𝗱𝗲 (𝗟𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗨𝗹𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵)

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*now this is a little different, I'm trying to approach a more diverse imagine with this so bear with me. The grammar may seem poorly written but it goes with how it suppose to since it's broken English

~ September 1991 ~

"I never imagined I'd return home, I wonder how my family will feel about seeing me"

"You mean you haven't been home since you came to the U.S" James asks me

"My parents don't very approve of me being model. Say it's dishonorable to country, and I don't think they'd like Lars very much"

"Because he's short huh, we feared that's what it was too"

"No, he's rockstar. My brother have your music and they don't like it, says it too loud and crazy"

"Oh typical parents, well don't worry we'll make sure he doesn't swear while meeting them" Kirk says from his seat behind us

"So we've been dating for 3 years you have told them right y/n ?"

"Mhm, they just still don't like you. But we don't have to meet them if you're uncomfortable"

"No no it's fine"

"So y/n, it's time for our daily dose of learning the Ukrainian language" Jason says from the seat across the way

"Okay, what you want to learn today" turning my focus towards him

"Insults" Kirk shouts

"Yeah more insults" James concludes laughing

Thinking of what sounds easy for them to repeat I smile

"я безхребетна дівчина з тім'яними кульками"

"That was a lot but repeat it one more time"

"я безхребетна дівчина з тім'яними кульками"

Hearing them all repeat it back to me with some words sounding not good I laugh anyways that they basically insulted themselves

"What did we say ?"

"You are spineless little girl" it's partially the truth

"Awesome I'm saying that tonight"

"Oh no James, I am Ukrainian so it little different from Russian speaking"

"So what does that mean ? They won't understand it"

"It's like...Puerto Ricans and Mexicans similar wording in some but a little different if not native speaker"

"Oh okay"

"Guys we're bout to be landing" the pilot instructs on the com

Fastening my belt I sit looking out the window seeing the familiar sights of landmarks

"Hey you okay ?"

"Last time I was here they disowned me and say don't come back. My dad was very serious about his words he never answer my calls" wiping under my eyes

"Fuck him, your dad is obviously an asshole and didn't deserve you as a daughter anyways if he can't support you"

"He's right you know, posing nude and almost naked is dishonor to this country. I should have stayed home and finished school"

"But then you wouldn't have met me and been able to be your own person. Doing what you did is the best thing that ever happened to you, as for the posing nude part well maybe not but it's your choice not his"

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