𝗔𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 (𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗠𝗼𝗻𝗿𝗼𝗲)

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~ somewhere in 1983 ~

"Boy the women here in America are very promiscuous and demanding I love it"

"I don't know looks can be misleading, some might be shy while others aren't"

"That's why you have to get to know them"

"We're here to record Michael not fraternize we'll have time for that later" Andy tells me walking away

"Maybe a lot of time too, like this one right here. Look at those long beautiful legs, she's like a gazelle"

"Why don't you test your luck pretty boy"

Walking to catch up with the girl I can't take my eyes from her until I see her walk around the corner and stop facing me smiling

"Hello, can I help you with something handsome or do you get off on following girls around being pervy"

"I don't usually follow girls but I couldn't help but follow you" studying her appearance

"Your accent is different, where are you from"

"Was born in Helinski, Finland. But if you hear also an English accent my band and I are fresh out of London"

"Hanoi Rocks right ? You guys have that adorable drummer with the smile"

"Razzle Dingley yeah that's him, and you know me too I hope"

"Of course I do, Michael Monroe any girl can't resist those eyes and sexy suave you have in effect. Listen, I have to go but I hope to see around more Michael that face is too cute to only see once"

Watching her leave she continues on wherever she's going and I'm stuck watching her go

"Well how was it" Andy asks coming with the others

"American women are feisty I like it, we're gunna be seeing her more just you wait guys" smiling to them but they don't believe it

"Did you even get her name" Razzle asks

Shit didn't even realize I forgot to get that part

"Looks like we won't be seeing her" he pats me on the shoulder laughing

~ later in the week ~

Record, record, record. That's all we've been doing this week and I still haven't gotten to see that beautiful girl again. Any man would probably surpass that and move onto the next but me I can't seem to, I think the guys are starting to notice too

"He's gone again" Andy announces bringing me out my focus


"Thinking about that girl again, she's probably already forgot about you"

"I don't think so, she knows who we are. She called you adorable and she likes your smile"

"She thinks my smile is cute aw, I wish she shows up somewhere" making him smile

"Looks like you get your wish straight ahead" Andy tells us and we do in fact look

There in her all glory showing off her lovely legs again only this time in a sundress. Time to go in Michael we're on a mission, standing up from the table I walk up to her stopping just a few feet as she notices me

"Running into each other again Mr Monroe" she smiles

"My god I love how my name sounds coming from your lips, I didn't get your name last time beautiful what is it"

"I don't know I kind of like being called beautiful it's sounds lovely coming from your lips"

"I will call you whatever you want but I do want your name"

"It's y/n"

Taking her hand I bring it to my lips and kiss it but keep my eyes on her

"So nice to finally get a name for a beautiful face, where are you going"

"I have an appointment to get to"

"What for"

"Nail appointment, but how about I give you my number this time and you can call me when you get time. Being a rockstar and all I'd imagine you are busy especially since you don't live here" she shrugs handing me the paper

"I will definitely call you, see you soon y/n" smiling at her seeing her blushing a little before walking away from me

"Well did you do better this time ?" Nasty asks slapping my back

"Got her name and her number, I think I'm doing better. And you were worried about American women being demanding, she's feisty and knows what she wants"

"Be careful she might just be trying to get her claws into you"

"No she's into me, I got her right where I want her and I'm sure she knows she's got me where I'm suppose to be"

This American woman I want badly, lord knows I will not stay away from her even if I should

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