𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 (𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗩𝗮𝗻 𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻)

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Request for @rockisinmyveins

~ August 18, 1984 ~

This is not my kind of scenery at all, I mean don't get me wrong I love watching Eddie and the guys perform. Just it's the backstage run around and havoc that I don't like. People try to talk to you, it's noisy once you hear the crowds start coming in but people back here are doing god knows what. However today I just had to stay back while the guys did a small interview out front with MTV

"Maybe I could go for a small walk" telling myself getting up from the chair and walking out the room

Following a path out to the outside I see a lot of chairs and tables with some filled. Deciding to keep walking I get stopped by a voice and recognize it as my lovely boyfriend turning around waiting for him to catch up

"What are you doing wandering around out here, missed me too much ?" he jokes pulling me into his arms kissing my forehead

"How'd you know ? I got bored and you know I don't do well being alone for too long, how was the interview ?"

"Boring but I never do all the talking anyways, so are you ready for the show ?"

"Yes as always"

"Hey y/n, didn't expect you to walk outside" David joins us breaking up our little conversation "still gunna help me with my hair right ?"

"Of course, just give me a yell and I'll take care of everything"

"You're the best, see I knew we loved you for a reason" quickly kissing my cheek taking off

Turning back to Eddie he doesn't look happy, let alone he looks kinda bothered. I don't know what changed his mood but maybe it was because David interrupted whatever he was gunna ask me

"What's the matter you okay ?"

"Nothing just- lets go get ready for the show, I know you take forever to get ready"

"I just don't like how my body looks in certain clothes, not my fault I'm insecure" complaining as he drags me with him back inside

"No matter what you wear I will still see you as the most beautiful girl in the world and be lucky that you allowed me to steal your heart"

"I think you're saying that wrong might wanna reverse it or something" looking at the ground

I've never been one to take a compliment so easily, growing up as second best to my older sister wasn't easy. To make things more harder my mom was the start of that, beautiful every guy wanted her and truth be told she was her high school prom queen. Now I'm not saying my dad wasn't handsome but he wasn't the guy most girls would go for either. So sue me if I don't believe I'm as beautiful as he's trying to portray, but it never fails to leave his mind that he got lucky when really I did

"I'm saying it right and to prove it, I left you a little something to wear tonight for me" he stops bopping my nose

"Eddie noo don't say things like that you know I'm not keen on sex talk"

"Not that, I'm talking about an outfit I left in the dressing room. It's in a big box and I would really appreciate it if you put it on"

"But I was just there and there was nothing around"

"I hid it from you duh, now c'mon I have two hours before it's our turn to play and maybe one before AC/DC go on. And I know you don't want to miss that"

"Not in a million years" running the rest of the way to the dressing room with him close behind

This is more than I could handle, I think he must forget who he's dating and remember I'm self conscious. There's just too much showing, every curve and skin from my shoulders to my stomach

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