𝗚𝗼𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗮𝗻 (𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘄𝗶𝗲)

883 12 0

February 14, 1990

Fixing my shoe, I get stopped by David taking over for me buckling the heel together

"Thank you, how do I look? Do I look appealing, or should I change into something better that speaks to me?" flaunting in front of him

"You look beautiful what are you talking about, now come I'm treating you to a night out on the town but first this interview for Stones Magazine"

"I still don't see the need for our love life to be so out in the open, while you're you I can understand but me. I've dated other musicians before you yet this one deserves an interview based on it"

"We're royalty to them darling, besides they're just doing their job and we have to keep the people happy don't want to let them down" he tells me kissing my hand as we finally make it to the patio seeing the camera and the nice lady set up

"There's the lovely couple, please let me just tell you how much of an honor it is to get you guys to accept this interview" she gushes as we sit down getting comfortable

"Our pleasure, just as long as we make it for our dinner plans this evening" he tells them while I smack his hand

"Only kidding, shall we start?" letting her get situated I turn to David as he smiles as if he did nothing wrong just now

"You'll do fine y/n, you've posed in front of millions of cameras what's one more"

"This one is in front with my husband who happens to have a witty charm and loves to shower me with words and praises, but let's not forget you have a bit of a nonfiltered mouth"

"You love when I do it, the fact that it puts a smile on your face makes me know I'm doing it right"

"Hello David, hello y/n such a pleasure to you both for allowing me to have your time" almost forgetting about the interview we both turn to face her giving our full attention

"The pleasure is all ours" answering before David could have some smart comment

"So how is one of the world's favorite married couple, we just seen your guys' photos come out last week and you both look fantastic. You both look so happy, David I think this is the happiest we've ever seen you smiling with such genuine"

"Truly was best day, we were pretty skeptical she didn't think it was the right time to exploit ourselves to the world and I would've said no but she had a change of heart last minute"

"If it's okay for me to ask, y/n why were you skeptical, was it just wrong timing my understanding is you have a very known history for dating musicians"

"That could be one of the reasons, tabloids have had it out for me since the first two relationships and they haven't stopped there" simply answering her question

"Do you feel they've judged you, incorrectly?"

"Absolutely, I never have been one to talk about my personal life as far as dating, so I think when they learned of it, they started seeing a pattern with me. Sad thing is words actually hurt, and whoever felt the need to say those god-awful things about my dating history is excuse my French but pathetic and a lowlife. However, I look past it, and everything is behind me I'm happy where I am now"

"It is a big difference from your past, you're married now so this one must be the one"

"Most certainly is" smiling to David seeing him blush a little

"David, do you find it a problem with your guys' age gap or not at all?"

"Just a small gap nothing to it, what's 10 years. Do you find a problem with it?" he throws the question back at her

"No, no of course not. But people have speculated some foul play seeing as you have previously met her, I'm told when she was younger. Did you know then and there you were going to be in love with her or marry her at some point?"

This is what I was hoping didn't come up, people always have some high valued opinion about something, and this is no less

"In fairness, if I may step in and answer if that's okay with you?" causing her to focus the attention on me I smile at David before turning to the lady "We've met when I was 17, so there's not really a strong issue there. I can be the one to say he has never looked at me in a very sexual or predatorily way that has made me uncomfortable. I had the honors of meeting him and Mick Jagger at the same time and I was star struck"

"We understand he was married at the time to his previous wife, but y/n you have been very vocal about how you've always been in love with David since you've first laid eyes on him"

"I have and I did, even still do. I was a teen back then, you're going to have these very deep crushes and attraction to gorgeous men, even some that are twice your age or maybe a few years older. It's normal in my opinion, I was a young adult who had sights set on just interacting with him, but did I plan to marry him in the long haul no I didn't and if I could see the look on my younger self's face, she'd be screaming and crying"

"David how did you feel about y/n because you've worked together a few times before this?" she asks him but he's completely ignoring her staring at me intensely

"Honey, hello lights are on, but no one is home" touching his face as he comes back to main focus "She asked you a question love"

"I'm sorry just was so lost in her beauty and well-spoken manner I forgot where I am. Isn't she beautiful, I just love how she carries herself through these?"

"You sly silver-tongued angel, he's too much for his own good" blushing at the compliments

"When did you two know you wanted to further this relationship to where it is?"

"I would say New Years of 1988, I had only just gotten out of serious relationship" looking to him for his answer

"For me it was a first glance romance, it was later when she was maybe 24 years old, I wanted to make her mine. I had already made up the decision that I fancied her and was I glad she reciprocated the feelings"

"Everyone really loves the way you look and speak about each other, especially you David they really admire how you worship y/n like a princess"

"She's more than a princess she's a goddess in my eyes" he smiles kissing my hand specifically right on my ring finger

"See what I mean charmer" joking with the reporter "No but I really couldn't be more happier with him, I've had many partners that either didn't work out for the best or some that I still do occasionally talk to, but he is the one that was really dedicated to us and that makes me feel loved and wanted something I wasn't getting from the others"

"Do we see kids in your future?"

"Well, I have taken the motherly approach to his first son, but we are thinking about it yes"

"Well, thank you both for this lovely interview wish you both the best of luck"

"Thank you"

Once she has the camera cut, I stand from the chair while David sees them out and rushing to check on the baby seeing him sound asleep in his bassinet. Closing it quietly I retreat back to the main room seeing the doors close and just David standing by

"Are they gone?"

"That was them just leaving, how is he?"

"He's still asleep peacefully, can you believe we have to tell the world eventually we have a son"

"I'm enjoying the quiet but when you're ready remember"

"Did you mean all that stuff you were saying earlier, me being a goddess and all?" wrapping my arms around his frame

"Every word, even Ziggy Stardust needs his universal space queen to worship"

"That's rich but I'll believe you because I know you won't let me hear the end of it" kissing his cheek "We don't really have dinner plans, do we?"

"Of course not but then again, it's me after all"

Yup the man I married after all, I landed the jackpot

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now