𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 (𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗲𝗹𝗹)

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"Tell me again why you insist I should come out with you guys" walking slowly hopefully that it will slow him down

"Because you need to get out more and meet new people and who better than some of my friends to start" he states matter of fact still walking at a fair pace

"Eddie come on you know I don't like meeting people, I barely stand you and that's because we've been friends for 4 years now"

"Seeing as you take up dressing after me, I'd say that's an accomplishment of our devoted friendship building. Relax n/n I think you might like them if you like me" opening the door gesturing me to walk in

 Relax n/n I think you might like them if you like me" opening the door gesturing me to walk in

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"Oh so they're exactly like you, great more loose cannon morons who's gunna drive me wild. P.s I don't dress like you I dress like myself" rolling my eyes

"Whatever you say, y/n meet the guys. You already know Stone, that's Matt, Mike, Jeff and Chris" he points out everyone

"Y/n good to see you again, ready to hear us for the first time" Stone comes over side hugging me

"No I'm here for pot and a chance to win a million dollars, what do you think" going to sit on the couch

"She just doesn't like meeting new people she'll come around" Eddie tries to reason with them

Ignoring them I get up going to what I could identify as the kitchen to see if they have anything to drink

"Nothing but water and half a soda shocking" I mumble closing it seeing one of them standing a few feet away, think Eddie said his name was Chris "can I help you with something"

"If you don't live here, I don't think so" he shakes his head

"Smart choice"

"Smart mouth, you always this forward with people you barely know or met less than 30 seconds ago" he chuckles

"Precisely yes, why does it bother you" crossing my arms

"Only thing bothering me is your shirt and the fact that I can tell you're cold" he points out leaving the kitchen

"Fucking boys" rolling my eyes stealing a popsicle from the freezer returning to see them all sitting around "what happened to rehearsal"

"Is there another one in there?" Jeff asks as I shake my head no

"We need to write down lyrics before we start messing with the sound, someone's getting comfortable already" Eddie tells me as I don't really pay attention

Finally getting it open I place the sticky wrapper to the side and immediately start sucking on the freezing cold popsicle getting it halfway in my mouth before taking it out, turning back to them I see all eyes on me

"What you freaks never seen a girl eat a popsicle before Jesus"

"Are you sure you're eating a popsicle and not something else imagined in your head" Chris asks me with a sarcastic tone

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