𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹 (𝗥𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹 𝗕𝗼𝗹𝗮𝗻)

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"Y/n for heaven sakes you're a girl act like it, where did we go wrong with you" watching my mom sigh in frustration rubbing her temples I can't help but feel some joy in this

Call me evil hell call me heartless but I do not feel bad about this. She had this long coming, I've tried to tell her for years on end that I don't like dressing like your average girl should. Skirts and heels? Kill me before I do that. I know what you're thinking...over exaggerating much. Maybe a little but this is what happens when you grow up with nothing but brothers and your mom is always too pristine for you to hang out with

"Can I go now, I wanna be at the skate park for some good time before it gets late?" rolling my eyes leaning against the counter

"Do you promise to be back in time to practice your debutante walk and dress fitting"

"Blehh sure whatever bye mom" quickly grabbing my board and running out the house, I walk across the street in the direction to Rachel's house to see if he wants to come

Knocking I wait until his mom greets me with a smile "y/n so nice to see you" pulling me into a hug I don't not hug back this woman has been nothing but nice and open arms. Not to mention it'd be disrespectful if I didn't

"You too, sorry to bother you it looks as if you were busy" motioning to the apron and flour

"Oh hush you're practically family, James! Y/n is here" letting me step inside I walk up the stairs to find Rachel sitting in his room laying down staring at the ceiling

"The fuck are you doing num nuts?"

"Just staring up at the ceiling thinking about life, what do you want" seeing him sit up I motion for him to give me his hand so I could help him stand

"We're going to the skate park"

"Okay lets go" rushing up he grabs his board and we go say bye to his mom before we're cruising down the street

"So your mom is still bitching bout being this debutante thing? Thank god I'm not a chick I couldn't handle it" laughing at my displeasure

"With hair like that I'd mistaken you for one. Anyways doesn't matter as soon as I do this I'm done with the whole program, I'm 21 and I can finally start doing things without her input"

Leaning the board forward I start down the ramp going back and forth a few times before eventually falling off. No bruises but a few bumps nothing I can't handle

"Don't you have to get escorted by like a guy for that though, so who'd your mom pick this year"

"No one that I know of as usual, but......I have a great idea that you could help me with buddy ol' pal" smiling from ear to ear looking at Rachel until he gets the gist of it

"No, you're crazy I don't think so. Me ?! In a tuxedo are you out of your mind y/n" shaking his head quickly

"C'mon Rachel please don't make me do this alone, I've helped you numerous times even ridiculous shit I didn't want to do"

Puffing my lip out while trying to make fake tears appear I see he's almost cracking and giving in to my trap

"Fine only because this is your last time and we're going out with a bang. You owe me big time for this" aggressively rubbing his hands down his face, I laugh before checking my watch seeing as it's almost time for me to head home

"Alright well make sure you find a tux and make sure it fits. Don't worry if you need help I'll call and tell you everything you need to know" standing up dusting off my pants we grab our boards heading the direction home

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now