𝗞𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗤𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻 (𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗟𝗲𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘁𝗵)

698 14 3

"Y/n you got a job tonight, they specifically asked for you so I take it someone bragged bout you"

"Wonderful now I have a reputation to hold up, who and what time ?" grabbing my notebook and pen

"A surprise he likes to see the state of shock on people's faces but be ready by 9, good luck y/n"

Hanging up I sigh deeply wondering how I'm suppose to know anything if he won't tell me who it is. Looking at the clock I see it's only noon so I have a ton of time to get some things done

"Hi ruby, how's mommy's little baby" reaching down to pick up my bichon frise "what color do you think I should wear today"

After managing to paint my nails again, shower, wear an entire face mask worth of guacamole for 25 minutes, and spent 3 hours of stressing what kind of person I'll be accompanying tonight I'm done and now waiting for my next instruction, hearing the phone I guess I don't have to wait long

After managing to paint my nails again, shower, wear an entire face mask worth of guacamole for 25 minutes, and spent 3 hours of stressing what kind of person I'll be accompanying tonight I'm done and now waiting for my next instruction, hearing t...

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"Yes ?"

"He's here come on down to the lobby"

Doing as he ask I'm shutting off the lights on my way to the elevator and see Nancy also looks to be going out tonight too

"Do you know where you're going" I ask her

"Some business baby, needs some eye candy for his arm. So I'm surrounded by business ogling creeps who talk bout expanding and what Larry did in the office yesterday. What about you ?"

"I don't know claims the client wants to be a surprise, probably some weirdo" groaning fixing my watch

"Well good luck" she waves to me as we go our separate ways

Looking around I see no one in sight and think this is gunna be a bust if he doesn't even show up for his own personal need, what asshole did Phil assign me to this time

"Vivian ?" I almost let it pass me before I remembered I'm at work

"Yes, you must be the surprise for me"

David Lee Roth asked specifically for me ? Who spoke about me I don't know, I haven't worked with any previous musicians so this is crazy

"That I am, ready to go ?" he gestures for me to grab his arm and leads us out to his car

"Where are we going ?"

"Just a party, think of it like a musicians ball but less fancy and conservative"

What the fuck did he need an escort for ? If it's a party I'm sure he could have any woman of his choosing why does he need me if he can just snag someone from the party

Deciding to stay quiet I just nod as he continues driving, reaching into my purse I grab my sobraines

"Fancy, no wonder you guys are an expensive agency" he smiles to me before turning back to the road

"Do you mind if I smoke in the car or is that gunna mess up the leather seats ?" always be courteous

"Go ahead beautiful"

Once we finally made it I notice the house was pretty big and there was plenty of cars out, before I can open my door he opens it for me helping me out. Walking up to the doors I see exactly why I knew I was overdressed, great now I stand out

"Don't worry I can feel you getting tense, everything is gunna be fine babe" he whispers in my ear

Nodding I let him lead us all around talking to various people before he needs to use the bathroom leaving me on my own in the kitchen by the island bar

"What can I get you"

"Manhattan please"

"Aren't you a beauty, what's your name" some guy comes up not bad looking but not my type either

"Vivian and thank you"

"How come I've never seen you until tonight"

"First time for everything" finally getting my drink "excuse me" leaving him at the bar I go to find a secluded area

"Where you running to tryna leave me already" David comes up wrapping an arm around me

"Wanted to go mingle is that a crime, where are we going the party is that way" noticing we're walking a different direction

"We're ditching this party and going somewhere else" he looks around trying to move quickly through people

"David where are you going" some whiny voice shouts causing him to groan and stop

"Judith yeah we're just gunna go we gotta get home she's not feeling good" he looks to me to play along

"And who's she ?" she turns to me with a scowl

"Vivian, now please excuse us Judith" trying to grab his hand and lead him from this situation she objects

"Well Vivian, since you're the one that doesn't feel good why don't you leave" she smirks

"Because David is gunna take care of his date tonight, he doesn't need the same sleaze of a tramp to babysit"

"Who are you to talk, he's gunna come back to me anyways once he's sick of you. You're just tonight's flavor but me honey he comes back always no matter who he's been with"

"Congrats you qualify as someone who's willing to let men run you over and use as a doormat, tell me this all the times you've been with him has he made you arrive in seperate cars or did he come pick you up and arrive together"

Seeing her smile morph into a scowl she slaps me, not giving it a second thought I throw my drink on her making her scream

"That'll help you cool off" getting escorted away David leads us outside

"Well I think you're done partying how bout we go find somewhere to dance and get you another drink"

"I like the sound of that" smiling for once tonight

This place is very high class, a little different than what I would assume he comes to but then again he's David Lee Roth who would turn away him

"Dance with me Mr Roth, I've seen how you work magic onstage let's see how good you are with your feet on a dance floor" dragging him to the floor as they start up the band

I'm sure he's had his fair share of tangos so what's one more added to his list won't hurt

"You're light on your feet Vivian, might have to invite you onstage with me one day but I'm afraid you'll draw all the attention to yourself" he jokes

"Can't have that can we ? How did you find out bout me" I know that's not part of the terms to ask certain information but can't help myself

"A friend gave me the business card but then someone got to talking bout the killer queen Vivian St. Claire, so I wanted to know and your booking agent told me you would definitely be the right person for the job"

"Interesting, well I hate to be a mood killer but your time is almost up"

Just as the song finishes he dips me and the little crowd around us is clapping, leaving the floor we grab our coats and exit the place heading back to the agency

"Thank you for your lovely services tonight Ms St. Claire" he tells me once I collect the money

"This has been a very charming night Mr Lee Roth, hope you make better choices in women" going for the door he turns me around kissing me so suddenly that I don't realize it's happening

"Is there any chance I can get an extra hour in with you Vivian"

"Park the car and I'm on floor 6, room 321 just let the lovely desk lady know I said come up" smirking getting out the car

I love my job

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