𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 (𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲)

936 12 5


You say you love me, I say you crazy
We're nothing more than friends
You're not my lover, more like a brother
I known you since we were like ten

Have you ever been put in very difficult place ? Like you know the one where it's your best friend and he's having a drunken night, only this one leads to him going on a rant professing his undying love for me. Yeah that one, now I'm not gunna sit here and believe it because I'm not stupid. I've known Tommy since we were kids, he's always admired how in love and happy his parents are especially meeting young and it was love at first sight kinda thing. In some way he's always wanted that when he got older, which was never easy I guess seeing how many girls he's went through once we hit high school. But I've been there every step of the way to pick him back up, just like tonight

"Are you doing okay in there ?" knocking on the bathroom door

Not hearing anything I decide to just walk in seeing him struggling to get out his clothes

"Need help ?"

"Yeah I'm stuck damn strings"

Undoing the strings I can feel the eyes watching my every move but ignore it just as per usual

"Okay I'll get you some clothes just give me a minute but go ahead and get in the shower I'll set it on the toilet"

While he took his sweet ass time I got him his clothes, fixed up the couch because I'm never gunna give up my bed, and threw his dirty ones in the hamper so I can take them to the laundry mat in the morning. Sitting on the bean bag I hear the bathroom cut off and see him not completely dressed but what else is new

"I gave you a shirt and sweats what happened ?"

"You know I don't like sleeping in pants and shirts, were you waiting on me ?" watching him splay out on the couch

"Just to make sure you get to the couch and out the shower without cracking your head open, try not to be so loud please I have to get up and work tomorrow" pushing myself up I go towards the hall

"Wait wait n/n" hearing him call for me I stop turning back around "I love you you know"

"You too goodnight Tommy" letting his words go over my head like all times

Don't mess it up, talking that shit
Only gonna push me away, that's it
When you say you love me, that make me crazy
Here we go again


"C'mon trust me I know what I'm doing, I have a good sense of picking out clothes and know you would look hot in this"

"Vince this is stupid you guys are all gunna laugh and stuff at me, I look like I belong on the strip"

"C'mon y/n we gotta meet the guys soon I told them I'd bring you in one piece that is"

"Promise not to laugh ?"

"What are we 12 let's go I'm not gunna laugh"

Opening the bathroom door I stand bracing myself before walking out waiting for anything, a laugh, a comment but I get nothing

Opening the bathroom door I stand bracing myself before walking out waiting for anything, a laugh, a comment but I get nothing

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