𝗧𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰 (𝗔𝘅𝗹 𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗲)

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Yes I know this is not the original singer for the song, no I don't dislike the original version either. Just this one sounded more appealing to me for this imagine. And furthermore I do not for a second condone violence or anything you read from this story!!!

"Y/n over here, do you believe that Axl is cheating on you yet again?"

"Is it true that you're pregnant ?"

"Are the rumors you sleeping with someone else in Guns n Roses true?"

Wow they really know how to dig deep for it to get that far. Nonetheless it's all bullshit, well most of it anyways

Getting into the studio finally I head straight into the recording room seeing my oh so beautiful lover and the rest of the 4 hooligans

"Hey Axl you cheating on me again?" I say plopping down on the little couch throwing my legs on Steven's lap

"The fuck kind of question is that ?" hearing the irritation in his voice, I don't care I'm gunna keep going

"Answer it please don't make this harder than it looks" rolling my eyes

"No I'm not" he goes back to writing some lyrics down

"Am I pregnant?"

Hearing him put the pen down I look up at him seeing his face just as curious

"Are you pregnant y/n" hearing the fear in his question I laugh before answering

"Don't think so my love, but one more question this is a big one" sitting up I prepare myself for how this might take a turn of events

"Okay well what is it" he puts his full focus on me waiting to hear my question

"Am I fucking one of the guys in Guns ?" I fake think on it adding dramatic effects on this situation

"The hell did you just say ?! Are you ?! Which one of these fucks did you throw yourself at this time" he spats out getting up outta his chair

"I can't remember, the paps didn't elaborate which one they seen me with"

"For fuck sakes y/n I thought you were serious don't do things like that" watching him sit back down I laugh at his act before sitting back on the couch

Looking to my right I see a magazine that catches my eye, picking it up I examine the front cover seeing Axl and some girl on the front coming out of some bar. He looks comfortable fucking liar

"2/3 of those questions are true I see" peeling off my jacket I sit it on the arm of the couch standing up ready to make matters worse

"2 of those are right ? So lemme guess you're pregnant and did actually fuck one of my friends-

"Oh no see I fucked one of these guys that's for sure but you, you lying son of a bitch you cheated on me with this skank!" I throw the magazine at him "I'm gunna ask you one more time...did you cheat on me ?" seething with anger I take each step with every word I speak until I'm right in front of his face

"Which one did you sleep with y/n, tell me now-

"You have 3 seconds to answers or I'm taking that mic stand and shoving it up your ass that you'll be singing from it permanently" staring him dead in the face

"Yup I did now talk" his voice deeper than usual the cold dead stare that would send any girl into complete fear but not me oh no

Smirking I turn back to the couch going to grab my jacket slipping it back on before turning to him smiling without a care in the world

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now