𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺 (𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗳𝘀𝗼𝗻)

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Walking all around in the back of the arena, too much pep in my step and without a care in the world. Some would say you seem conceited and narcissistic, I say screw them one should be able to love themself without it be labeled as bad as that.

"Y/n thought I smelt your perfume somewhere around near by, what are you doing here ?"

Slightly turning my head to the side I see it's just Dave

"If we weren't friends Dave I'd say that's creepy, but if you must know just letting my feet take me wherever they wanna go" continuing to walk anywhere

"We're friends ? Y/n c'mon we're practically family by now how many years have we tolerated each other" looking to my left I study his face before giving him a confused look

"Tolerate ? Wow didn't know I caused trouble let alone you somewhat liked to keep me around" rolling my eyes

"Still didn't answer the question y/n, of course I like having you around we raised havoc wherever we went, did I enjoy it not all time but some" bumping my shoulder with his I laugh at the memories

"About 5-6 years now I think, still can't believe I've made it this far, longest I've managed to keep a friend was few months before they hate me"

"I know the feeling, anyways don't worry I'm never letting you outta my sight you're stuck with me for eternity" roughly pulling me into a hug squeezing the life out of me

"Yeah our blood oath explains it you weirdo, surprised you didn't give me herpes"

"Fuck you" seeing him roll his eyes letting go of me

"No thanks I got my claws in someone already" laughing finally making it to the backstage dressing room

Looking around I spot Junior talking with the camera guy whom was filming at the moment, deciding to poke my fun I go mess with him. Standing behind him as he continues talking I mess with his zipper undoing them to pants him hopefully before he catches on to my drift

"Y/n here causing hell already, what are you doing"

"We're gunna make a movie so I highly suggest you change the lens to better focus" trying to finish unzipping his pants but he's putting up a real good fight

"Someone's real horny Jesus what did you take out there ?" finally prying my hands off he zips back up his pants, not mad but actually laughing

"Ugh who do I have to fuck to relieve this pent up stress. I hate waiting for shows to start its boring and takes forever" walking away to sit on the floor by Nick who's just drumming away on a chair

"No offense y/n but you're not necessarily gentle when it comes to sex and I'd rather have energy to play than be worn out" Nick states while patting my hair

"How would you know, the only person who- you motherfucker !" throwing a water bottle at Dave's head nearly missing as he laughs "you swore you wouldn't tell anyone you fuck head"

"Am I missing something here ? Did you two..." Nick looks back and forth between us

"No before you even finish that sentence, I told him in confidence might I add that I enjoy hate sex from time to time"

"You've known each other for damn near 5 years and never once have you guys done it ? I don't believe that even for a second" Nick laughs shaking his head

"No I'm serious, I mean sure he's cute but no we've had a mutual understanding" looking to Dave

"Besides she has her sights set and fingers all over Junior"

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