𝗦𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿 (𝗝𝗼𝗻 𝗕𝗼𝗻 𝗝𝗼𝘃𝗶)

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Narrative POV

"I'm telling you Jon you're whipped, y/n got you wrapped around her little finger and you don't even realize it" Ritchie states as they continue driving to the studio

"It's not whipped you punk, a man can't respect his lady friend without having a specific reason" Jon shakes his head not reliving this topic again

"I'm just saying, it's not a crime we know you like her but the things you're doing it's puppy love"

While Ritchie continued to talk on and on, it made Jon wonder if his friend was right. For as long as Jon's known y/n he didn't once think she wasn't something special, he wouldn't call it love but somewhere close to there maybe. Not in a way they think though, they were friends it never got as far as that. As they finally made it to their destination it pulled Jon out of his thoughts and followed Ritchie inside, the previous conversation still on his mind

"Okay so tell me, y/n is going on a date tonight and you're suppose to help her get dressed because you're such a 'supporting friend' and not an ounce of jealous?" Tico asks not believing his words

"Yeah, why not ?" Jon shrugs his shoulders

The guys all look at him as if he's stupid or really he's playing the cool act really well

"What now, you guys really need to stop overthinking this whole 'in love with y/n' thing it's getting old"

Right on que she comes through the door bright smile on her face

Your POV

"Hey guys, Jon boy ready to go?" hugging each member, I'm a hugger so they know this

"Yeah these guys are giving me a headache, what kinda date is this" Jon asks standing up from the chair

"He didn't say, said something bout dress comfy but not too down" shrugging

Leaving the guys I drive us to my apartment just discussing this date and where I met him, the regular I get nowadays from any guy I stumble into. It gets tiring but anything to get my mind off my suppressed feelings for Jon. I know it could never work with him having millions of girls hearts, hell he can get any woman he wants why settle for me. So I've come to terms with it and moved on

Upon arriving I head straight for my room to start comparing clothes with Jon while he waits on the couch

"So this guy, Eric what time should I expect you home before I have to bash his brain in" Jon shouts from the living room

"I'm only out until 9:30 I never can last long for these dates, they either are too boring or eager to get me home hoping for a night over" I tuck in my denim shirt looking over the outfit one last time before going out to show it off

"Okay this is what I've settled on, kind of last minute but I like how it came together" I stand before him awaiting his approval or disapproval

"It looks nice, gives off a country vibe and mixed with jersey girl I like it"

"Of course you would, well make yourself at home seeing as you basically live here I'm gunna finish my makeup"

Turning around heading on my way I leave him to it

Jon's POV

Not taking my eyes off of y/n until she's gone out of view, I get up going to the kitchen to see what she has to eat. I think bout what the guys said again, me jealous no couldn't be, me and y/n have been friends for a long time not once have I acted out bout her dates. She doesn't like them anyways she says she just does it to pass time. They never hang around long enough so there's really nothing there for me to worry bout

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now