𝗙𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘀 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝗵 𝗜𝗻 𝗽𝘁 𝟮 (𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗔𝗱𝗹𝗲𝗿)

638 12 14

~ June 10, 1986 ~

"Y/n, are you sure you don't want me to stay with you, I can postpone for you"

"Please you are driving me insane with the constant babbling bout the baby we're both fine"

When she sees I'm sure she hugs me quickly before rushing out the door. God that girl is sweet but needs to stop worrying

After some I couldn't stay in one spot so I eventually got up to run me a bath to relax in and maybe I'll get tired along the way. Just as I was getting comfortable the doorbell for the front door can be heard

Going to answer I see it's Duff and...Steven

"Uh hi, what are you guys doing here and how did you know where I lived ?"

"Zoe gave us her address so we put two and two together. Anyways we're here to get you" Duff says smiling

"Get me for what ? I'm not going anywhere now, I have family coming here soon and I still need to get dressed"

"Great I'm gonna leave Steven here and he can meet them and hopefully-

"No ! No, no I don't think so. It's bad enough they don't know I'm pregnant out of wedlock this is just gunna be another problem to throw in the mix"

"Well then maybe you can kill two birds with one stone right, I'll even stay with you if you need help explaining it to them" Duff states walking into the house with Steven in tow

"Guys please not now I don't have the patience to-

Freezing mid sentence I see my parents are finally here too. Fuck..

"Mami, papi so glad to see you made it safely how was the flight ?"

"Deborah and Salvador will be here tomorrow later, but I picked up your mom from the airport on the way here. But my drive was good mija" hugging my dad as my mom just shakes her head at him

"It was good the weather is very different here than home.....you're pregnant" she says smirking at me

"How'd you know so quickly I was sure the overalls were covering it good. Lo siento mamá, te mentí, tenía miedo de que estuvieras tan decepcionado de mí"

"Nunca te arrepientas del regalo que dios te dio, ahora ¿dónde está el padre del bebé? " she looks around behind me seeing the two rockstars who just watch in confusion

"Hello, I'm Luisa you must be her friends ?"

"Don't say one of you two is the father of that baby in her belly" my dad exclaims looking between the two who just eye each other

"Yes sir, this lovable smiling ball of sunshine is the guy who knocked up your daughter" Duff pushes Steven closer to me

"Ay Dios mío, y/n ! Why him ? What's so special bout this one. Rogelio was ready to marry you and give you everything you ever wanted. And you settle for this carbón"

If this were a cartoon you could visibly see the smoke coming from his ears. But I don't let that get to me no, what does is that you can see he's still upset bout me not picking Rogelio over Steven

"He wasn't the one for me papa, we've talked bout this. Besides maybe I didn't want everything handed to me on a silver plater" rolling my eyes

"Oh I have so many questions, y/n go make some coffee and bring conchas por favor"

Doing as my mom ask I look to Duff and Steven pleading with them to behave and just go along with it. Luckily they do by the time I come back I see everyone sitting across from each other on separate couches

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