𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗼 (𝗦𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵)

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June 6, 1986

"You chew up men and spit them out like they don't matter, I tell you it's all Ger-

"Don't. Even. Say it. Look do me a favor alright stay out of my business since I'm so considerate enough to stay out of yours" cutting her off walking away from the conversation but she trails following

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, I would never judge you for your choice to just have casual sex with strangers. I mean for god sakes any man can do it so shouldn't a woman be able to" Lauren sarcastically shouts the last part of the sentence out

"I don't know whether I want to slap the shit out of you or what, anyways you working tonight? I plan on getting shitfaced but also will likely need a ride home"

"Actually I do, we have some band playing here tonight and word is they're pretty hot since they're the talk of the streets"

"Really, a month ago it was Poison who is it now?"

"Uh here" seeing her turn from the bar counter handing me a flyer "These guys, rumor has it they're pretty good and hot as hell"

"Looks can be deceiving but then again this is a piece of paper and can't really see their faces, anyways I'll be here" looking around seeing two guys come in heading for the bar "We're closed right now Einstein, come back in maybe 5 hours when we're done decorating the place"

"Decorating?" seeing one of them on the more taller side question me confused "No sorry, we're here to uh...see about coming in early to set up our equipment"

"Oh you're the guys playing tonight, don't look like you two on this piece of paper. Anyways the earliest you can get here is maybe an hour and a half before this place starts getting crowded"

"You work here, I've never seen you around?" the shorter one with curly hair asks finally speaking up

"With that mane you call hair, I'm sure you don't see much"

"It's a curse and a blessing to have" he shrugs not taking it to heart but smiling a little

"For some of my favorite reasons, I bet it is" nodding still watching his every move

"Soo, come back at maybe...7:30 or 8?" the blonde one asks again breaking me and his friend from staring at each other

"That's right...." gesturing for him to tell me their names

"Duff and Slash"

"Duff and Slash...I like it, band names?" repeating it back

"Yeah, and you are?"

"Y/n and Lauren" introducing us both

"Well alright, we'll see you two later then y/n and Lauren" Duff waves as Slash just follows him without so much of a second glance

"Think you made a first impression on the quiet one, couldn't keep his eyes off you" Lauren smirks coming closer to me

"I always leave impressions, but this one" laughing shaking my head "Think he might've left an impression on me, hey Elliot?!"

Turning quickly from her I quick pace to the back looking for the big man in charge of this run down bar, bursting in the storage room I see him checking off all the new liquor that just made its way in this morning

"Don't just bust down doors like you own the place y/n, that shit wouldn't fly well in my country let alone hometown" he groans out turning back around

"Yeah yeah I would've been shot on the spot, listen you gotta let me and Lauren be in charge of services for the acts tonight" crossing my arms leaning against a shelf

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now