𝗜 𝗛𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 (𝗧𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗲)

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Tommy's POV

There she is, walking into the party like she owns the place. In my eyes she does she has this aura about her that draws me to her. One thing that I don't like about her is that she has that jackass of a boyfriend with her, yeah they've been together for months now but he doesn't deserve her

He brings her in showing her off like the trophy he won but, behind her back when she's not looking or there he's easily screwing some other chick. Call me a hypocrite but even I know she deserves better than that, as dumb as I may sounds and act it's not rocket science. She could be as clueless as a goldfish in a tank that just swims in circles then a smartass at the same time. Aw shit she's coming this way

"Tommy Lee just the man I need this very second"

"Finally ready to give out y/n, I knew you'd be coming to your senses soon"

"Dream on dummer, I need one of your killer drinks you mix back there if I'm gunna be the life of this party" pulling off her bomber jacket

It wasn't until I was pouring I noticed 2 things, her choice of clothing which consisted of not likely anything she would wear and finally something I would of never thought she would do....a tattoo. Nothing too big or too small but different from the normal, a dream catcher on her rib cage

"You okay there T-bone ?" Snapping her fingers in front of my face

"Shit- yeah. Yeah I'm fine" sliding the drink over I couldn't help but look at her body ready to rip her clothes off any moment. "Y/n uh, what's with the wardrobe change tonight"

Tucking a hair behind her ear slightly chewing on her bottom lip "I told you if I'm gunna be the life of this party I need to blend in to look the part, don't wanna stand out like an outcast" glancing around she calls for another familiar face

"Vinny c'mere !" waving him over anyway to get off the topic

"I'm not one to complain but I just gotta know why the look babe ?" raising an eyebrow Vince is not so subtly checking her out

Thinking it sounded much better in her head she blurted out an answer she didn't even wanna believe in a million years meaning the alcohol was working instantly, curse being a lightweight

"Looking to get laid tonight," mentally facepalming she rolls her eyes instead not believing her own words "I'll be back in a minute"

Straightening up she pushes off the counter heading to the bathroom leaving the boys shocked momentarily

"Did....I hear that right ?" Vince looking in the direction y/n walked off to

Seeing Donnie already chatting up a girl in the corner of the room Tommy can't help but get irritated "That asshole has one coming to him" nodding his head to show Vince

"You would think as smart as she is the girl would leave him, it's like he has her wrapped around his finger" grabbing a beer he claps Tommy on the back

"If I were you man I'd give up, think about it you've tried and no matter what she'll always choose him over you. But if it bugs you so much show her right to her face and she'll see what an ass that guy really is" with a smug look on his face Vince sees Y/n walking into the living room accompanied by a teased to the gods head of hair "Or maybe stop her from falling into the wrong arms tonight as it looks she taking her plan into action as we speak"

Snapping his gaze to the left Tommy studies y/n body language, surely enough she's trying and successfully flirting back with his bandmate. Anger bubbling inside of him he tries to suppress it until he sees y/n whisper something into Nikki's ear causing him to laugh agreeing to whatever it was before they're both coming towards them

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