𝗘𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 (𝗢𝘇𝘇𝘆 𝗢𝘀𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲)

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* part 2 of Age Ain't Nothing But a Number, specifically QueennSugar wanted an ending

"You look so beautiful, darling" Sharon admires fixing my dress again

"Thank you, just kinda bummed my parents didn't want to witness their daughter's happiest day of her life"

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"Thank you, just kinda bummed my parents didn't want to witness their daughter's happiest day of her life"

"Your parents will come around, after all y/n their only daughter left to be on the road with a grown man half her age so it's still something they need to understand"

"What's not to understand I'm in love, I'm happy, someone is willing to spend the rest of their life with me and they still can't look past the age difference"

"Okay sweetie you're getting worked up why don't we talk bout what lead up to this lovely day" she tries to change the subject

"How could I forget, it was in Ozzy fashion after all"

Flashback 6 months ago

"So why would you set yourself on fire"

"Because it's fucking awesome, y/n you've witness Ozzy bite bats I'm sure that's not the craziest you've seen"

"No it's not trust me the way he's going I'm sure he has a few more tricks up his sleeve. Speaking of Ozzy I need to go find him, see you guys later"

Checking the lobby and hotel bar I don't see him, heading for the elevators I push the button to our floor

"Hold the door y/n" stopping it from closing I see Jake walk in as the doors close "looking for the Oz man"

"Just came from talking with the guys yeah, took a walk or came from the bar"

"The bar"

"Well good luck finding him kid" as the elevator comes to a stop the doors open as we both exit going to our respective rooms

"Ozzy, you in here" closing the door spotting him in bed sleeping "you sleepy hallow"

Sitting down I move the blankets from his head seeing the peaceful features etched on his face

"Wake up my prince of darkness" caressing his face

"Huh round two"

"No you silly boy it's time to wake up, the day is almost gone and we have to get ready for the show. Plus the stage crew needs your approval bout the set up"

"Jesus what time is it" watching him get up removing the covers

"1:14 I need you dressed because I don't think the guys know how you want the stage done"


The show was going great, Ozzy was of course being himself and putting on a great performance. But then he got serious what I believe and started talking with the crowd

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