𝟭, 𝟮, 𝟯, 𝟰 (𝗝𝗼𝗲 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆)

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Joe's POV

"Y/n c'mon we're going to be late" checking my watch

"Fashionably late, I'm sure Steven won't mind what's the rush" seeing her come through the walk in closet

Looking at her I can't be more than happy that she's all mine, and tonight I plan on making her my soon to be wife

"I wanna be in time for Steven's big announcement, and you look radiant baby" kissing her quickly before helping her put her coat on

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"I wanna be in time for Steven's big announcement, and you look radiant baby" kissing her quickly before helping her put her coat on

"Thank you, you look so handsome tonight if I do say so myself"

"I'm always this handsome, but we can argue bout that later shall we"

Leading her out the door I help her get in the car before getting to my side, and we're on our way

"Joe, y/n there you two are" Steven ushers us over "wow y/n you look gorgeous, Joe you really got lucky with her"

"Steven you charmer, where is Cyrinda"

"In the kitchen she'll be glad you're here babe" taking his word she goes for the kitchen

"You ready for this, I can see you're nervous but I can tell you she loves you Joe and you are making the greatest decision of your life doing this"

"What if she says no" feeling anxious

"Then she's probably not ready for marriage and means she needs more time, I highly doubt she says no because she doesn't love you"

Your POV

"Cyrinda, the beautiful fashionista, how are you"  going to give her a hug

"You look beautiful, my god. I'm good how are you"

"I'm doing okay, Joe has been acting very affectionate lately though is there a reason" looking to her

"Nothing I know of Steven hasn't spoken to me about it, but if anything I would take that a good sign what's so bad bout it ?"

"He looks like he's on edge about something, like he's hiding something" slightly frowning has Joe been seeing someone else, I mean that wouldn't be the case he loves me he tells me everyday

"I'm sure whatever you're thinking is not the case, I'm sure if you talk to Steven he will tell you he's not seeing anybody" taking her advice I go back out looking for Steven hoping he's still with Joe

Getting closer I see them talking with some woman, she's beautiful but who is she. I've never seen her before but obviously they know her, she has her hands on Joe's arm getting too close for his own personal space but he's not caring he's laughing. As I start to think nothing of it she could be just a friend of theirs, but she leans closer whispering in his ear which puts a smile on his face and.....they're hugging

Walking over calmly I stop before them digging my fingers into my palms, I make my presence known

"Who's this ? Friend of yours Steven ?" looking at her from head to toe never breaking my smile

"Actually I'm a personal good friend of Joe's" she sticks her hand out for me to take

"Y/n, Joe's girlfriend and you are ?" shaking it not breaking eye contact

"Lily Ann, it's lovely to meet you. When Joe came by last week I was in such a state of shock for the favor he asked me but looking at you I can see why"

The hell did she just say, FAVOR ?! Oh hell no, I will fucking end her !!!

"Favor ? Wow okay well how bout I do you a favor right Joe" taking a champagne glass I chuck it onto him evading the scene

"Y/n wait ?! Y/n stop"

Feeling an arm turn me around I see it's Lily Ann, oh the audacity of her to follow me

"Get your hand off me or I'm decking you in the face. Nothing you can possibly say is gunna make me listen to anything you have to say"

"What is your problem ? Do you not know how much that man loves you ?"

"Loves me ?! Not when you come saying he's asking you for favors ? What do you do that I don't, I support him in anything and everything, I show him loyalty, I do everything someone like me who loves someone like him does and this is the thanks I get"

"Y/n I can promise you he does indeed love you like any good man would" grabbing both of my arms she steps closer as I get defensive "but I know right now you need to listen to what he has to say, please just listen"

Looking past her I see Joe and everyone standing outside, he looks nervous and devastated by my previous actions

"What do you have to say Joe, no more secrets from you or anyone" crossing my arms waiting for him to talk

"Lily Ann is not who you think, yes she's a personal friend because she helped me find what I was looking for. You give me more loving than any average woman ever has, you've given me love from the very start of our relationship. You piece me back together when I fall apart, you complete me y/n"

Each sentence it seems like he's getting more and more closer and really I'm anticipating what he has to say

"What are you trying to say Joe ?"

"There's only one thing I'm trying to say, and it's three words for you" watching him get down on one knee flipping out a small velvet box, I feel myself getting emotional "I love you, question is do you forgive me for not telling you the surprise and marry me"

Looking up to see everyone on their toes waiting for my answer

"Say yes n/n you know he's the only one for you, and you're the only one for him" Steven shouts getting smacked by Cyrinda

"Yes, yes I'll marry you"

Quickly sliding the ring on my finger he gets up picking me up with him kissing me as the cheers can be heard

"Was this the announcement you talked about?"

"Steven's idea but yeah it is"

"He's so extravagant, but I couldn't be more happy"

Kissing him one more time, we raise our hand to show off the ring

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now