𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 & 𝗧𝗲𝗹𝗹 (𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗙𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗻)

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Staring at the video tape I can't believe what I just heard. Out of all people I least expected this kind of behavior from Marty, but I guess they're all the same. And they aren't necessarily my friends so they weren't gunna tell me anything, this would've been swept under the rug and I would've been still thinking he was one of the good guys

Deciding I've seen enough I push stop on the VCR and eject the tape putting it back with the others. Right on time because I think I hear a car outside, walking from the shelf I head for the halls trying to get to my room before they see me and try to talk

"Y/n, babe I'm home and I brought the guys so if you're planning a surprise" he shouts, hearing his friends all make wolf whistles and holler

Ignoring him I lay on the bed just in case he gets skeptical I'll fake like I'm asleep so he'll take the hint to leave me alone

"Y/n ? Are you home ?" as his voice gets closer I begin closing my eyes as the door is being opened, "oh you're sleeping"

Hearing him disappear and the door shut I get up cracking it sitting by the wall listening in on their conversation. Lets see what all you talk bout when I'm not around

Marty's POV

"She's sleeping, so we gotta keep it down" returning to the guys

"She okay ? She's been staying home a lot lately, everything alright between you two" Nick asks me

"I don't know she hasn't been telling me anything, but I'm sure she's fine" dismissing him off

"I don't know man you've been out with us every other night, she might be getting lonely with you out all night doing who knows what" David says kicking his feet up on the table "she has been getting suspicious"

"I don't think so, I'm careful with my actions so she shouldn't know a thing. Anyways I'll be seeing Vanessa tonight again" smirking

"Vanessa as in the one with the class A beam headlights" Nick asks mocking a set of tits

"That's the one, doesn't she work with y/n ?" looking at the unsure faces I don't get a response

"You get 2 for the price of 1, having the girl next door n/n and I do anything and everything Vanessa" David asks me not believing what he's hearing

"And a few more yeah, she doesn't know a thing" I nod getting up going for a drink

"It's only a matter of time before she finds out, has Vanessa made any attempt to tell her ?" Dave says

"Nope, never kiss and tell. They go on talking to each other like it's nothing"

"Never kiss and tell huh Marty ?" freezing I turn seeing y/n standing by the hallway entrance

Your POV

"You know I expected this from a lot of people but you, I thought you were different"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry you got caught yeah I'm sure, you sure aren't sorry bout what you're doing. I don't know if I'm more hurt that it's Vanessa who I've become friends with and she deliberately did it to smile in my face or the fact it's more than once and she isn't the only one, so what I'm basically just another one to add to your body count" on the outside I'm calm but only because I'm not giving him or his friends the benefit of the doubt that I'm severely pissed but I am

"I think that's our que to leave-

"Oh no, see you guys are assets in his scheme. You knew all bout this and didn't think of telling me ? Especially you Nick I thought I could trust you but I realize I don't mean shit to any of you, you guys knew him longer, your loyalty lays with him. You guys don't owe me anything"

"Y/n can we talk bout this in the other room please"

"No, there's nothing to talk bout. You want to gloat to your friends bout how many girls you can manage to score without your girlfriend knowing, what if the roles were reversed Marty ? What if I just hypothetically speaking, slept with David or Nick and bragged bout it to my friends and never told you"

Not speaking he simply puts his head down, for the first time since he got here he doesn't want to speak, how shocking

"You need to sleep somewhere else until I figure out where to go from here, I can't stand to even look at you right now"


"No, just get out. Why don't you see Vanessa like you were planning to do" side eyeing him going for my room

Kiss and tell, well kiss and tell that you cheating bastard

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now