𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗹𝗳/𝗗𝗶𝗱 𝗶𝘁 𝗔𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 (𝗥𝗼𝗯 𝗭𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲)

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So Madamesixx wanted a part 2 I gladly did sis enjoy 🖤

~ December 15, 2009 ~

"I'm just saying you don't look like the type that should be all bout looking sexy for the camera" Scout goes on again bout my new movie role

"I could be though, I've made it this far so obviously they have faith in me if they let me audition and got the part"

"I guess you do, so what's in store for today's shoot"

"I have to learn the dance number for two separate scenes, and lyrics because they actually need my voice for it. Never imagined I'd be doing a musical, let alone singing" rolling my eyes

"I can't believe you didn't take the offer for A Nightmare on Elm Street, that would've been easy landing for you to get the main role"

"Yeah 'cause that's what I need, Wes Craven's daughter star of his franchise film. Hm, smells like favoritism and unfair advantages. Besides I said I didn't want to always be in horror I wanna explore other genres" I shrug

"Good point, so have you talked to Rob lately ?" she asks

"No, but it's okay I figure he's busy so I don't try to bug him too much" shrugging drinking my smoothie

"I can't believe you guys are still doing this I would've thought it would be over by now, aren't you afraid Sheri will find out"

"On the inside maybe, but on the outside not so much. If she would've found out earlier than yeah but it's been 2 years and she still hasn't caught on" that sounded way more evil than I wanted it to

"What are you gunna do when she does, I get it the excitement of sleeping with an older guy who is in fact married might I add, is fun but when will it end before someone gets hurt n/n"

"You're right, I gotta end it before things get anymore troubling. I'll end it today" nodding

"Now, I wanna see you pull out your phone and tell him the fun stops"

Hard ass but alright guess it's better to do it now

Reaching into my back pocket I pull out the phone seeing the screen light up with it showing a text from him, looking up at her she points at it for me to continue

"Maybe I should call him instead of text that's mediocre, just give me a minute"

"Take your time I'm gunna get another lemonade"

Watching her get up I unlock the phone going straight to messages and see the usual greetings of 'good afternoon or morning my scream queen' and instantly feel the nerves creep up on me. Pushing the call icon I wait for him to answer

"There's my scream queen, how you doing" hearing his voice I take a deep breath and just spit it out

"I think we should stop this"

"Stop what ?" hearing the confusion in his tone

"The sneaking around, the late night calls when Sheri is asleep, everything" trying to explain to him

"Do you really want to do that y/n"

"No, but it has to before someone gets hurt. I'm sorry Rob I can't do this anymore" looking down at my hands feeling my eyes get watery

"If that's what you want y/n I can respect that and you're right"

"Okay thank you" nodding like he can see me fucking idiot

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