𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗼𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝘁 (𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗔𝗱𝗹𝗲𝗿)

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"Wait wait let's go on this one"

"Hold on I want to see these cute antique globes" stopping staring at the beautiful mermaid inside the middle surrounded by the blue water and pebbles

"Y/n you can stare at cute globes and shit after, c'mon Savannah is in line saving our spot" dragging me away roughly

"You don't have to be so rough I'm coming already"

"So seen any cute guys yet, there's a few but they all look like total dicks"

"I'm not looking, guys don't want me anyways I'm girly and annoying" annoyed that this is her plan for picking up guys

"What about that one standing close by in line, why don't you talk to him" she shoves me up in front of her whispering to Savannah who nods laughing tapping the guy's shoulder to make it look like I did it

"Uh hi ?" he turns around smiling

"Hi" giving him a small smile seeing the line is moving

"Did you want something or...?"

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but my friends are being childish and did that" side eyeing the two who act oblivious

"So you don't want to talk to me ? They had to have a reason for doing that"

"I barely know you, no offense. My name's y/n" sticking my hand out for him to shake

"Steven, so what brings you here late at night"

"My friends enjoy picking up guys to mess with only for them to say sayonara once they go in for the kill asking to come back to ours"

"You don't enjoy doing that or not your thing ?"

"Guys don't like me anyways because I'm not their type I guess. I'm usually too easy or a pure child that the don't go for me, don't care they're just a waste of time" shrugging as we move closer to the front of the line

"Next two" the operator of the ride tells us

"Uh, do you wanna share a ride ?" he asks me, looks hopeful and desperate for me to say yes but he's not a threat in my eyes so sure why not

Getting in the Ferris wheel shuttle with him I look to Savannah and Daisy both smiling making kissing noises as the ride starts moving for them to get in the one bellow

"So...tell me some stuff about you" he breaks the silence

"Well what is there to tell, just a girl who's lived here in California her whole life and not much special to it"

"Gotta be something unique about everyone, what do you do ?"

"I work in a movie theater so nothing special about that" laughing seeing him smile staring at me "why you staring at me like that ?"

"Your laugh is cute"

Well that's a first, never been told that before

"Okay...thanks. So what do you do, if I'm not mistaken aren't you locally famous?" trying to take the attention off of me

"I'm in a band yeah, have you seen us ?"

"Don't think so what's it called again"

"Guns n Roses, we play a lot at the whiskey a go go you should come watch us one night"

"If I can get time from work and find someone to fill in yeah sure. Are you guys; hard rock, glam, heavy metal ?"

"I would say hard rock, not much into dressing up. But what kind of hobbies do you have ?"

"I love collecting antiques specifically snow globes, all kinds really. But I also like reading which I know sounds boring but I get enticed when it gets really interesting. Like fantasy and fiction are some really fun books for me to read- you're staring at me again Steven" calling him out as he laughs

"I can't help it you ramble and it's cute"

"I'm not cute I'm annoying" repeating what I've been told so many times before

"You're not annoying and whoever calls you that is an asshole. Also you are cute, I don't make up lies just for fun"

"I think we're getting to the stopping part at the top" getting distracted looking slightly down

"Not nervous are you ?"

"A little I hate being so high up for large amounts of time" feeling a breeze sweep through my hair and neck

"Cold too ?"

"Wish I had brought my jacket but they said leave it at home, what's the point in dressing up if no ones gunna care"

"That's because you don't have anyone that will care, so I'll be the first to tell you that you look beautiful but also probably do everyday"

Feeling my face get flustered I turn looking up at the sky, as I do he takes that as a gesture to hand me his jacket placing it over my shoulders

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you"

"No problem I'm pretty warm, so I don't know if you have any plans for later or just calling it a night but wanna find something else after this" seeing the uneasy look on my face he notices and attempts to correct himself "I meant like another ride or we could look at antiques not the other thing"

"Definitely if I get to keep your jacket some more"

"Looks better on you anyways"

Once the ride was over we did exactly what he planned by going on more rides, Savannah and Daisy couldn't keep up anymore and thank god we lost them because they started to get annoying with constantly picking fun at me. Not my fault or my problem their night didn't go as plan, sooner or later they're gunna call it in early and probably wanna go home

"Having fun ?"

"Most fun I've had in a long time, and it's real fun not acting"

"Not to toot my own horn but is it because of me ?"

"Might have something to do with that, but it's getting late and we have to walk back home so"

"No I get it, I should probably go find my friends I lost them hours ago"

"Sucks I couldn't lose mine fast enough they always managed to find me"

"Might have to do with those bright shoes you have on"

"Hey in fairness it sounded like a good idea earlier when I put them on, but thanks for hanging out with me Steven" going to remove his jacket but he stops me

"You keep it a little longer, besides I plan on running into you again on the streets"

"Stalking me now ?"

"Won't have to I know where you work remember"

"Ah forgot about that well see you soon then"

"Bye y/n" he waves still smiling as I catch up to my friends

"Had fun, didn't see you the rest of the time"

"More fun than what I've had with you two in months"

"Rude, so did you do everything we taught you ?"

"Nope, unlike you guys I plan and hope to see this one more often" walking in front of them as they stare dumbfounded

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now