𝗜 𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (𝗥𝗮𝘇𝘇𝗹𝗲)

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January 26, 1984

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Love, I promise this is gonna be perfect, you're gonna love it. I spent all day preparing for this" getting dragged through the streets of New York

"How do you know these streets so well you've never even been here before" trying to keep up with him but he's got quite the legs on him to take longer strides

"Asked around from some locals and got good advice from the hotel lobbyist, trust me darling you're gon' love it"

After so much walking and saying sorry to passerby's we ran into thanks to my clumsiness, rode the New York subway, we made it to Central Park. I've only ever heard about how if you do come to New York this is the top spot to visit

"Nicholas what are we doing here?" smiling at the sight turning around to see him nervous and fidgety "Everything alright you look nervous which makes me nervous"

Once he sees how fidgety I am he quickly comes to grab my hands and try to comfort me as best as possible

"Nothing to be nervous y/n I promise, we've been together for 2 years now and...you've followed me on all of my dreams and been there for every band I've been in"

"A lot of weird named ones too yeah" agreeing making him laugh with me

"You've stuck with me every time I decided to quit and try to find another and another until I finally found Hanoi Rocks"

"Even now you're still ready to quit this one thanks to Andy" cringing at the heated arguments he, Sami, and Andy would get into it

"Right but we're trying to look past that, point is love I think you're very special and there's no one out there better than you for me so...would you like to marry me?" shocked by how serious he is usually he's always joking about certain situations but this is the most serious I've seen him

"You're serious Nicholas, I would marry you in a heartbeat but are you sure I'm the one you want to marry. You still have the rest of your life to choose and we're only young after all"

"Sure I'm sure, 24 and 22 have never looked better to get married at. I'm never gonna find a girl as smart, funny, cute, and weird as you...that is if you want to" he asks again in a more hushed tone as I nod enthusiastically


"Yes?" seeing his face change "I don't have the ring now but we can get it later when I get money"

"Yes, I'll become Mrs y/n Dingley"

Once he hears that he scoops me into his arms, never thought I'd be one to get married so young but guess you need to love and find the right guy to change your mind. Razzle is definitely that guy to make you rethink life and how to take control of how you spend your life choices

February 23, 1984

Sitting across from my parents I see the look of uncertainty from my mom but astonishment from my stepfather, this is not looking too much into my favor right about now

"Marriage y/n, you're only 22 years old. Why settle down so quickly, are you with child?"

"No!" answering her fast that she seems a bit taken back "Mom, remember how when you were young and you met dad-

"Aha, darling I met your father at 18 and didn't give him the time of day until I was 21. Then I had you and your brother years later at 25, but the difference is we never wedded"

"Right but you had then met Timothy 5 years later and fell in love at first glance, that's love mom. What me and Razzle have is just like that but it's been 2 years"

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