𝗦𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 (𝗗𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝗟𝗲𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘁𝗵)

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Bay City, Michigan 1978

David's POV

Man this party is live tonight, the guys are really missing out. But that's okay I'll be sure to tell them all about it tomorrow morning, finishing this line I look up to see a girl walking in. Weird she doesn't seem to look like the type for these kinda parties, wonder if she's lost or someone came with her. Fuck it David you're gunna know her by the end of tonight anyways

Walking around this party I still haven't gotten around to talk to this mystery girl, it's like she's vanished into thin air and doesn't want to be found. Turning around I see her leaning against a wall by herself nestling a beer that hasn't looked to be drunken out of yet

"Hello gorgeous, how are you tonight" walking up to her hovering just a few inches from her leaning against the wall

"I'm fine thank you, how are you doing" shyly tucking her hair behind her ear, a prominent blush on her facial features

"Well I'm doing better now seeing as you're here, what's your name"

Before she can even speak someone is calling out a name from afar, just as I look back at her from turning my head I see she's gone. Oh she's wants to play this cat and mouse game, I like a challenge game on beautiful

Talking with some people here and there throughout the night I haven't been able to have a conversation with this mysterious girl again after losing her. I'm sure I've searched high and low and still haven't found her anywhere, maybe she left

"Excuse me" looking behind me I see it's her again "sorry I'll be quick just need to grab something"

"Beautiful there you are, been looking all over this place for you"

"Really ? Sorry my friend was calling me and it seemed urgent" smiling looking down at the ground

"I never got your name still, ready to tell me" giving her my undivided attention

"Y/n, y/n y/l/n and you're David Lee Roth my sister has the biggest crush on you" laughing finally looking at me, she has these most beautiful e/c eyes

"Oh yeah, does that say the same about you"

"I'm actually more of an Eddie kind of girl, but you're my next favorite don't worry"

"Well to make it up to me why don't I get you a fresh new beer and we go somewhere to talk" raising an eye waiting for her answer

"Okay yeah that'd be nice, I'll be in the backyard that okay?" After I give her a nod of approval she takes off in the direction while I quickly grab the drinks following in suit

Getting outside I see she's nowhere in sight until I see her waving for me in the far corner by a hammock

"Here's your drink m'lady"

"Thank you" laughing at my childish antics "so what did you want to talk about"

"Anything you want, I'm all yours" drinking from my cup getting comfortable on the hammock

"Well how bout the basics, what made you want to be a musician"

"Honestly the lifestyle sounded pretty good, but I also really like going out performing in front of lots of fans who enjoy singing just as much as I do"

"Did you ever consider playing an instrument before you stuck with singing"

"I played guitar and some piano for awhile in a previous band before I met the guys of Van Halen so yeah I considered my options" laying back I look up at her sitting figure as she thinks on the next question "do you play anything"

"I played the violin most my childhood and eventually switched to acoustic guitar"

"Thinking of forming your own band" smirking at her as she finally takes a sip from her drink only to not be too fond of the taste

"Not a drinker either"

"I'm still getting used to the partying life, my newest friend dragged me here hoping to break me out of my innocence" rolling her eyes putting the cup down on the grass leaning back with me

"Just moved here"

"Actually been here my whole life, my old bestfriend moved to New York to pursue her career in dancing school" she sadly looks on as I see tears forming in her eyes

"I'm sorry, but hey don't cry I'm sure she'll still visit you when she can and if not screw her she's not a good friend" wiping her face causing her to turn around

"You're right thanks David, sorry I kinda made this about me"

"Well this is me wanting to get to know you so it's okay" looking at her eyes I notice she'll travel them back and forth between my lips and eyes before she looks as if she's leaning in

"Are you thinking about kissing me y/n, might make your sister jealous if you kissed her crush" laughing still not moving from her

"Would it be wrong if I wanted to" looking at the uneasy look on her face I can tell she's second guessing her actions

"Does it feel wrong" shaking her head we lean in getting merely close enough before someone is calling her name again breaking us away quickly

"Ready to go y/n, I know you said parties aren't your thing so we need to head home before your parents realize you're missing" getting up she turns to me reaching for my hand and helping me off the hammock before placing a tender kiss on the cheek

"Nice meeting you Mr. Lee Roth, have a good night" watching her walk away until she's no longer in view I can't help but think how such an innocent girl could have me wrapped around her finger so easily in the last hour, and I didn't even score with her ?!

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