𝗜 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂 (𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀)

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Mick's POV

Another night out with these rascals fucking perfect, can't wait til we're kicked out of this one. Who's the hell idea was it to go to a lounge anyways, feeling the lights dim and the chatter around the room stops the stage gets a single light shining on the spot and from behind the curtains comes a girl with a sparkly gold dress. Doesn't come off as nervous or shy about all the eyes set on her appearance or where she's at. Standing in front of a mic stand on the far back side of her three guys begin to harmonize as she looks up from under her lashes she surveys around the room before her e/c eyes land directly on me a blush prominent on her face she begins to sing

My love must be a kind of blind love
I can't see anyone but you

Are the stars out tonight
I don't know if it's cloudy or bright
I only have eyes for you dear

The songs melody begins to play as she lifts the microphone off the stand and saunters down the small stage walking around from table to table making doe like eyes just to mess with the gentlemen

The moon may be high
Sha bop sha bop
But I can't see a thing in the sky
I only have eyes for you

I don't know if we're in a garden
Or on a crowded avenue

When I look towards the guys I see that they're actually watching her every move, observing her features maybe if you call it that but it could be just them checking out her rack or trying to see through the slit of her dress but I don't pay too much to it until I feel a tap on my shoulder on one side only seeing no one there I turn to the other side and see she's standing right next me looking me dead in my face as she finishes the song as if she's dedicating every word she's singing to me

You are here
(Sha bop sha bop)
And so am I
(Sha bop sha bop)
Maybe millions of people go by
But they all disappear from view
And I only have eyes for you

watching her walk back up the steps to the mic stand to place the microphone back the song fades out as she blows a kiss to the crowd walking back out the same way she walked in through the curtains as the room erupts into cheers and claps, hell even these morons are stunned just as well as I am but nonetheless remember to clap

"Well boys I think it's safe to say that I'm gunna meet the lovely lady when she comes out" Vince declares as he finishes his drink calling over a waitress for another and specific details that he would like to meet the girl. Great already he's got her on his to do list

Sitting there waiting for the mystery woman to come the guys engaged into a conversation of how Vince is gunna score one and if he's her type and how they're much better suitors

"Gentlemen, I heard you guys wanted to meet me " looking up I see she took her hair down from it's neat pin up and it's hanging just below her shoulders in its all wavy glory her voice sounds different from when she sings, not too squeaky or too heavily but soothing enough

"I thought I'd meet the gorgeous woman who nearly took my breath away" instead of shaking her hand like a normal person this fuck head kisses it.....and the arrogant charm begins

"My oh my aren't you a charmer, y/n , and I already know who you are Mr. Vince Neil" blushing she pulls her hand away slowly looking from each of us "you must be the terror twins I've heard so much about" laughing at the two goons each reaching a hand out

"I'm titty- Tommy sorry Tommy Lee nice to meet you" shaking his head at his mistake he hides behind his hair embarrassed by his actions

"So I've heard," finding humor in his comment she laughs before turning to his fellow partner in crime "You must be the Nikki Sixx every girl swoons over, I see why you have quite the look on you" narrowing her eyes at him smiling nonetheless. She finally turns to me with a bashful smile on her face "so that leaves you to be Mick Mars, nice to finally meet you Mr. Mars I'm a huge fan of your playing style"

"Likewise, you play " the way his comment sounds coming out seemed disinterested and irritated, damnit Mick stop being an asshole she trying to be nice

"My dad was a blues player and when I hear you play I can hear some old school blues in your riffs"

"So y/n I was wondering if you were free tomorrow y'know get to know each other" Vince stops me from answering her

"Uh Vince that's so sweet and all, don't get me wrong you're a good looking man but you're not my type on paper sweetie" easing the blow to his comment I couldn't help but quietly laugh at his face when she turned him down

"Ahh so you have a type, well what's your poison gorgeous" not taking it to the heart he ask her a question even I would like to know

"Well.....I'm into dark haired men if you will, tattoos here and there, rough around the edges but is a softy to me only" she states matter of factly like she's proud of her answer. Fuck so that means her type is....

"Nikki ?! Well I'll be damned always gets the girls" Vince sighs as he loses another one

"Yeah sure I'll let you believe that, nice meeting you gentlemen I have to head back now" waving to us as she leaves to the bar to talk to someone before she shakes her head touching their shoulder going to the back again

"This is the third time ina row man, what do you have that I don't" Vince whines as he drinks his alcoholic beverage

"He's Nikki fucking Sixx man what do you think it is" Tommy laughs at his childish tantrum

"I'll be back don't do anything stupid while I'm gone" standing up I make my way to the bathroom before being pulled into a room and the door closes behind me

"The fucks the matter with you-

Getting cut off mid sentence I notice I'm in a dressing room area turning around I come face to face with y/n

"I'm sorry I just wanted to talk to you alone without them constantly staring at my boobs"

"You noticed" I go to sit in her chair at her vanity with my back facing her as she walks up to the mirror looking at me through it

"It's hard not to when you feel a chill going down your spine or just all out feel the eyes as if they're trying to pry it open"

"What did you want to talk about, not that I'm not enjoying your company but considering you wanted to get away from them to do so I think it's serious" feeling her place her hands on my shoulders massaging them not to hard or too soft I hold in a moan that's trying to escape

"The guys must be a handful for you to have this much tension" feeling her hands travel down my shoulders to my chest reaching a very dangerous zone I grab her hand

"That's not my style" getting ready to get up she comes around the chair sitting on the vanity crossing her legs

"I'm sorry did you think I was.." raising her eyebrows she looks taken back by the accusation "ah you did.....sorry I'm not into the whole one night stand thing I thought I made that clear out there"

"So then what were you doing with your hands just now" lifting and eyebrow waiting for her response to this one

"You think I don't notice the pocket knife" nodding to my switchblade I keep in my pocket at all times "think what you want but I value my life and I'm a sucker for good detail"

"Sorry, so why did you wanna talk to me" trying hard not to look at her toned legs not even 2ft from me

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go get together sometime Mick, I didn't wanna ask in front of the guys out there if you didn't feel comfortable with them around to embarrass you or something"

"Are you sure that's what you wanna do, look you're a gorgeous girl and probably bout 10 years down if not maybe 7 but-

"No I'm sure here give me a call sometime soon yeah, don't keep a girl waiting I get antsy" writing down her number she puts it in my hand closing it before reaching down planting a kiss on my cheek "see you soon Mr. Mars" smiling she walks out the door most likely going home since she had a bag in her hand

Walking out of the room closing the door behind me I see the guys waiting for me with smirks on their faces

"Don't even say it" walking pass them I head to the exit putting y/n number in my jacket throwing a leg over my Harley waiting for the idiots to get out here so we can leave anticipating to get home to call y/n

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