𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗮𝘀 𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗼𝗲𝘀 (𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀)

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May 3, 1994

"C'mon Mick blow out the candles"

"You're not gonna smash that in my face are you, because I will break your fucking finger"

"Nah relax man we're passed the immature behavior, we're getting in our 30s now. Gotta make smart decisions now right Tommy?"

"Yeah we won't ruin it for you now blow out your candles Mick" Tommy agrees and I'm quickly blowing them out

"Sorry we couldn't get you a better cake man, this was all we could get on short notice"

"Don't worry about it, I'm gonna head home see you tomorrow" patting his shoulder leaving out the house

Another lonely birthday for myself is good, I couldn't have asked for anything more. Starting the car I swivel out the driveway and see I'm on empty needing to stop by the gas station on the way home

Pulling into the place I stop in front of pump 3 seeing a McLaren F1 in front on me, what asshole bought this car. Walking into the mini drug store I go straight to register in line behind a woman who looks no older than 25 with chips and a case of beers in her hand

"Are you paying for gas?" she asks me turning around

"Yeah I am"

"You can go ahead then I have a lot to pay for" she steps aside letting me go in front


"Don't mention it Mr Mars huge fan" she tells me going back to drinking her slushee smiling

"Is that why you let me in front of you?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself, we both know the narcissist isn't you of the band" she smiles chewing her straw

"Next" the cashier calls and I move to pay then go out to fill it up, that was a weird encounter with a so called fan

While the pump holds filling up my car I stare at the expensive car in front of me still, turning back to the store I see the girl who was behind me coming over and brace myself for more fan interaction

"Look I-

Cutting myself off I watch her walk around the car unlocking the door throwing the case of beer in and her chips before turning back to me

"You look surprised, didn't think a girl could drive a car like this" she asks coming to stand in front of my car

"I didn't say that just thinking this is an expensive car, no offense but you don't look old enough to do a lot of high paying jobs"

"Well I don't, it's part of my inheritance from my grandpa who just passed away recently. As for the age thing well I'm 23 so you're right" she smiles for some reason still not phased by my direct attitude

"He must have been very high up and wealthy because there's only so many models of that car in the world" pointing at the vehicle seeing her turn back to it then me again

"You can say that yeah, he was a well known play writer and director. Really respected and dedicated to plays and films, miss the old man"

"Sorry for your loss"

"It's okay, we all die sometime right. It was just his time seeing as he was 107 years old, you still haven't asked me for my name"

"What's your name then?" breaking into a little smile

"Y/n, now that the casualties are out of the way do you maybe want to hang out some time when you're not rocking out with your band mates?"

"I don't think so" laughing at her request putting the pump back

𝚁𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜/𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now