𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 (𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗔𝗱𝗹𝗲𝗿)

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And here we are again, another night of Steven just having a good ol time with his friends and me being the great girlfriend I am decided to let him have his way. I wanted to go to the movies and see the new Friday the 13th but no he wanted to party and drink. People would think we're the most incompatible two to be together and quite frankly I believe it, I enjoy horror movies, being alone for massive amount of time, sure I drink here and there but not as heavy as he does and drugs aren't really my thing unless it's pot but even that I don't consider a drug it's an herb. He enjoys meeting people, going out a lot, full with a shitload of energy, I just can't seem to keep up with him and his shenanigans but somehow deal with it. Now that I think more about it how we met should've put a set back on us going past date #2

Flashback 10 months ago

I knew I shouldn't have come here but no just had to come with Claire since someone had to watch her lord knows she can't handle her liquor and she would just make stupid decisions under the influence if someone didn't keep her grounded. Sitting on top of the box like television that doesn't seem to work absentmindedly drinking a beer I snagged out of the kitchen

Hearing Claire obnoxious laughter I roll my eyes and prepare for whatever is gunna spew out of her mouth and what behavior she might act on tonight

"Y/nnnn, come I want you to meet my sister she lonely and needs friends" dragging some guy who looks just as intoxicated as she was but holding it better "y/n this is Steven, Steven this is my Dracula of a sister y/n" giggling at her joke

"Are you done you know I hate people and I've been here for at least 2 hours now" chugging the last of my beer I stand up off the tv

"Nooo I want to take this one home with us please please please" clinging to my arm doing her best to play the sad puppy eyes role that would've worked if we were 12 again

"No we don't even know these people Claire for all we know they could be serial killers"

"Ooo you'd love that wouldn't you, with all the horror you watch I wouldn't be surprised, but please y/n he won't even make a peep I promise I'll even clean up"

"Fine ! Just go get your jacket and let's go I'm already feeling tense and need air" not waiting to hear her excited squeals I rush out the front door taking deep breaths as my body relaxes to the non stuffy room anymore. I've never been one to be as outgoing as Claire she loves being care free and social that's the one thing everyone loves about her, she had lots of friends in school me I had the short end of the stick but she always tried to get me to be this person I'm not I don't blame her she wanted me to have things she did but I just didn't want it really however we are attached at the hip now seeing as our parents died of a house fire only thing they could leave us was their inheritance which was $200,000 and the house. So we decided to move away from our hometown in Liverpool and move to the United States specifically I wanted Nashville but Claire wanted more and since she was the oldest we headed to Los Angeles. Breaking me out of my thoughts Claire runs to the car knocking on the window for me to open the doors

Once I do both back doors open and a bunch of guys pile into the vehicle "Claire, what the hell is going on ?!"

Looking at me with doe like eyes she puffs out her bottom lip like she just got in trouble "I brought alil more extra....don't worry they won't make a mess and they're cool"

"I don't care we don't know these people and you brought them to our car what if they have guns on them or something and rob us once we get home"

"We're right here y'know" waves one of the guys "here I'll introduce us to make you more comfortable, I'm Duff this is Slash, Izzy, Axl and the one smiling to your right is Steven"

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