𝗧𝗼𝘂𝗰𝗵 (𝗝𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗛𝗲𝘁𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗹𝗱)

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~ February 14, 2016 ~

Walking into the flower shop I greet Magda heading straight to the register seeing a guy looking confused and unsure. Not just any guy though I know who this is...Mr. James Hetfield, wonder what he's doing down in San Francisco

"Confused on what looks prettier surrounding your patio ?" I ask as he does a double take at me before turning back to the colorful bunch in front of him

"More like lost what my wife would like more" seeing the frustration and anger I decide I better step in before he loses his cool

"Follow me I can help you, I've been to this flower shop more times than I can count on my fingers. What's her favorite color and fragrance" leading him to the side showing him the examples

"Her favorite color is yellow, as far as smell I don't know she has so many perfumes I can't keep up with that kind of stuff. Why are you helping me ?"

"The last thing we need is an angered James Hetfield in a flower shop surrounded by glass and pots. I would highly recommend chrysanthemums or marigolds"

"You're a fan ?" he smirks bashfully trying to mask it up by putting on a serious face

"Actually more on the Megadeth side but you guys are cool too" teasing him seeing the facial features freeze alil before he fixes his face

"Wise guy, alright I'll take the chrysanthemums"

Taping on the bell for Magda I help her get him set on his way and he's out the door

"Well Magda I need to head out just came to see if I can have my bouquet of buttercups, Stefani will be here soon and she's taking me with her for the remaining time being"

"Its Valentine's Day and you don't have a date why not, you're a beautiful young girl any man would be lucky to have you grace their presence and other things" she smiles causing me to look at her with shock

"Magda ! You naughty woman, I wonder how you were in your youth years. But I'm not a one man woman remember"

"You sound exactly like me when I was your age, didn't want to be tied down yet. But what happens when you find someone who puts your fire out and makes you feel things you've never felt before"

Damn this old lady makes a good point, but I don't want to be tied down yet. I love being single it's less stressful and easy but then again it gets lonely during this time and other special holidays that has me changing my opinion

"When that time comes Magda I will gladly accept the words 'I told you so' come out of your mouth" looking at her sticking a hand out

"Add in vodka you have a deal дорогая"

Nodding she shakes my hand smiling like she's so sure, gotta love the determine broad. She believes her Russian ancestors never had false hope when it comes to finding love they can predict futures if they wanted to. Getting my attention drawn away I hear my phone ding as it means Stefani is here

"Well time for me to go I guess, I'll see you soon Magda take care"

~ later that night ~

"Are you ready honey bee, aw you look ready to kill. Any plans for tonight that I should know about ?" Stefani comes in standing in the door

"No miss Gaga everything I do tonight is strictly either alcohol induced and I'm going with the flow tonight" looking over myself one more time making sure I look okay

"No miss Gaga everything I do tonight is strictly either alcohol induced and I'm going with the flow tonight" looking over myself one more time making sure I look okay

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